Self-Esteem: What Mirror Do You Hold Up?

When Torrey, my oldest child, began school, somehow I felt she no longer needed my approval as much as before. She was older and other people, like her teachers, were in charge. Because Daddy was so busy, I began to miss key events in her life, such as her kindergarten play.  Absent Parents Leads to Low Self-Esteem Not long after that, I was walking in my neighborhood and heard the shouts of six-year-olds playing soccer. I sat down to watch the game and noticed that of the thirty boys on the two teams, only four parents had taken the time […]

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Some Assembly Required

(Scroll down to leave a comment on the assembly process of parenting.) Recently I bought a piece of furniture—a large hardwood table. When it arrived, the table came in a box from another country and had 80 pieces to assemble. The package included a small wrench and a 28-page book of directions. The picture of the completed project looked great, but the process was overwhelming, especially for a guy who thinks “wrench” is something you do to your back. All along I kept wondering how much it would cost to hire someone else to assemble it. Yet I took my […]

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How to Create an Atmosphere of Joy

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how you create an atmosphere of joy for your kids.) Music is a big thing in our house. We try to have music on while we are doing jobs, we serve in music ministry at our church, and the first thing that our youngest does as soon as the car starts is to ask for the music to be on. There is a song on the radio by Zach Williams that both my kids sing to at the top of their lungs and it is called “Old Church Choir.” As I was listening […]

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Marking Major Milestones

There are many milestones in your life where you pause and take stock. For some it is a significant birthday or anniversary. Some pause every New Year’s Day to think through goals for the new year. In our family we recently had one of those events: our son’s 13th birthday. It has made me pause to think how fast it’s gone but also realize how much time is left until he graduates high school. Just five fast years…sigh.    Looking back It makes me think back to the baby or family dedication at our church. That Sunday morning before we […]

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Dealing with Relationship Cancer: Anger

Some children hear the word “No” and they become frustrated or argue. They are disappointed, but they remain in control. Other children hear the same word and explode into rage. Some adults can discuss differences of opinion and work through conflict. Other adults only need to be inconvenienced the least bit on the highway and they explode into rage. It is all about anger! Anger is arguably the most debilitating relationship cancer there is. When a parent sees rage explode out of their child, there is a feeling of helplessness. When an adult sees rage erupt from their spouse, fear […]

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How to Bring Peace to Your Home

It was twenty-four hours before hurricane Andrew was to come crashing in on south Florida. My elementary age children were helping us get the shutters up and put away outside furniture. Our house was a whirl wind of activity, and I was totally oblivious to the wide-eyed fear on the faces of my kids as they ran around trying to help me get ready. Our home also had two guests: two single, female Christian school teachers from the school my children attended at the time. They were staying with us to ride out their first hurricane. When the windows were […]

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Teaching My Child About Sex

As you look at our culture, it’s obvious we are not sure about the role or the purpose that our sexuality plays. For far too long the Christian home has attempted to teach a child about sex with one word: DON’T. Then the child goes off to school, or turns on the television, or listens to music or social media or TikTok and hears a totally different message from every other part of our culture: Go for it… experiment! Parents must first decide what they think about sex and then be very proactive in teaching their children about sex. Is […]

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Begin the New Year with a Pause

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).   It seems like the Christmas season has gotten more and more frenetic as the years have gone on. Especially for parents, December seems like a blur. We have shopping, wrapping, cooking, Christmas parties for us and our children, Christmas programs, church, plus all the pressure we put on ourselves to create memories or keep up the traditions we have established. All this on top of normal everyday life of homework and activities for kids, who are laser focused on the fact that break is […]

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Is It Truly More Blessed To Give Than Receive?

“More blessed to give rather than receive?” You’ve got to be kidding! What kind of a statement is that? That’s ridiculous! Of course it’s more awesome to receive than it is to give. That’s what we’ve been taught all our lives. That’s what makes us feel good isn’t it; getting more things?   What’s your appetite? But what if it were true? It’s kind of like eating vegetables. Once I was taught to eat them I eventually liked them. Then I really liked them. Then I discovered that I felt better when I ate my vegetables. It actually made me […]

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How to Find Purpose in Thanksgiving

What if we’ve completely missed God’s intended purpose of Thanksgiving? What if this is the year we should “do it right” but missed it?  There are great mandates to celebrate by remembering what God has done for us, and yet so often we celebrate the “celebration” and forget the intended purpose. The Lord’s Supper is a perfect example. So often you can take part in the Lord’s Supper at church and totally forget to do the work of doing it “in remembrance of Him.”   Refocus Thanksgiving is another example. The first Thanksgiving celebration was a time of thanking God. […]

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