Gospel-Centered Evangelism

Arthur Stace was born in 1884 in Sydney, Australia. Stace was born into a very poor family and had a rough life growing up. He spent some time in jail and was an alcoholic for the majority of his adult life. One day, in 1930, Stace stumbled his way into a church service and heard the words of the gospel preached. The message was entitled, “The Echoes of Eternity.” It was through hearing this message of eternity that Arthur Stace was converted and came to know Jesus. Stace was so inspired by the sermon that, after his conversion, he would […]

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Sanctification Explained: Why Pursue Holiness?

Why should we want to be sanctified? Is there really any point at all in striving to be holy? Does the gospel, on its own, make us better each day or do we have to take action steps and put sweat into it to become more like Christ? Just thinking about becoming more sanctified in our lives can just make our heads start to spin. Honestly the process just seems downright confusing. The idea of pursuing holiness is completely countercultural to the ways of this world. Today, even within Christianity, there seems to be a lot of different perspectives and […]

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The Benefits of Justification

“Justification is the doctrine on which the church stands or falls.” – Herman Bavinck For Christians the good news is that we are justified. We have been justified by grace alone, through faith in Christ only. This is the good news of Christianity. Whenever you want to try and understand the gospel deeper you need to go directly to the doctrine of justification. However, one of the most important things that we must realize is that at the center of our justification is our union with Christ. Because we have been unified with Christ, we now receive all of the […]

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Disarming Karma

The amazing thing about grace is that it has no limits or boundaries. It is free, unconditional and unmerited. Biblical grace is a contradiction to almost everything that American society thinks should happen in the world. But the world continuously promotes the idea of anti-Christian karma and, most of the time, it is easy to just smile and agree with this proposition. Why? Because the truth is that even most Christians are afraid of grace because it takes control out of their hands. Karma makes sense while grace seems irrational. Karma and the Disciples Karma made a lot of sense […]

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The Performance Trap

“The great mistake made by people is hoping to discover in themselves that which is to be found in Christ alone.” –A.W. Pink Many people grow up in the church feeling a burden of having to perform. They think that devotion to God looks like rigorous effort and righteous improvement. However, the stunning truth that should rock all Christians to the core is the fact that they don’t have the ability within themselves to be fully devoted to God. Say what? Performance freaks, which applies to many Christians, love to convince themselves that they have the ability to “do it.” […]

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