Dr. James Dobson Building a Family Legacy Simulcast

Building a Family Legacy, Dr. James Dobson takes us on a journey of the legacy that was set before him and gives us some great insight on what is most important in leaving our own legacy. Is it a name, a fortune, a business? Or is it faith in Jesus Christ? Join others around the world in watching the ‘Your Legacy’ film October 1-5, 2014. The Simulcast launches you on the journey into seven other films, Bible studies, and books which will enrich your church, help to build stronger families, and ultimately help your families build a solid legacy. The other films are ‘Bringing Up Boys’, ‘Bringing Up Girls’, ‘The Strong-Willed Child’, ‘Dare to Discipline’, ‘Straight Talk to Men’, ‘Love For a Lifetime’, and ‘Wanting to Believe’. Visit www.buildingafamilylegacy.com to register for the free simulcast.
