StrikeForce 421 Now Accepting Grant Requests

striikeforceIt’s been 10 years of making an impact in the South Florida region, and StrikeForce 421 is excited to see what God is going to do this year – and they are expecting their BIGGEST giving year yet! They are welcoming amazing ministries to get introduced to, learn about, and potentially partner with as their grant application period is currently open.

A women’s giving circle, StrikeForce 421 has given away over $1.5 MILLION in grants to local ministries since its inception in 2014  along with their community of pledge partners!

Here’s a few reminders for this grant season:

• All applications must be complete & submitted by August 31st. This means all information, responses, and financials must be submitted by 11:59pm on August 31st or the application will be ineligible.

• The earlier the application is sent in, the sooner it can be reviewed & have all the necessary information! Take time to complete the questionnaire, gather the necessities, & submit all paperwork.

• Have any questions? Please feel free to email at [email protected] or call Maribeth Bates at 954-816-2719.

For ministry leaders that want to apply for a grant from StrikeForce, please visit the grant application page to get started.

Please note that:

StrikeForce 421 only awards grants to organizations that proclaim the Gospel and serve those in need in the local community. Ministries that have previously received a StrikeForce grant will only be considered for an additional grant after a period of four years from the year the previous grant was awarded.

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