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“He Gets Us” Digital Campaign Connects People to South Florida Churches

It’s been said that great movements of God are fueled when gospel patrons and gospel proclaimers collaboratively work together to further the Kingdom of God in a region. South Florida has a long history of catalytic churches and movements that were fueled by faithful men and women of God awakening to advancing the gospel in their day.  Kingdom collaboration is in our DNA  At the invitation of those who had been fervently praying for revival, in the early ’80s Billy Graham filled Lockhart Stadium with a message of hope and freedom in Christ. As a result, people were saved, evangelistic […]

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VH Support Matches Worship Leaders with Churches

Last year provided Village Hymns many opportunities to continue developing and supporting worship leaders as they lead their own worship ministries across South Florida. As we at Village Hymns reflect on 2021, we are grateful and excited for what God has done in and through our organization. We wrote and released new music, met with the Village Hymns cohort monthly, and found new ways to support worship ministries throughout our region. In the middle of the year, a few worship and church leaders began to contact us, asking for help finding musicians who could fill temporary worship team positions. Through […]

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2022: Resolve to Obey

Last year I closed out the year with an article on resolving to forgive in 2021. I’d be curious how we did with the resolution to forgive. For me, I continued to wrestle with hurt from someone that I said would never, ever betray me. It’s been a hurt that continued for several years, but God reminds me of what Jesus said as He was being crucified: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  I was also reminded of the verse, “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according […]

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Toooo Infinity . . . and Beyond!

As we launch out into a new year together, let’s begin with a vision that transcends the details of daily living. Let us pause together for a moment in the presence of our Lord and consider all that He has planned for us in 2022. The title for this month’s message recalls the iconic words from Buzz Lightyear in the beloved movie “Toy Story.” If you are anything like me, when you hear the first part of the statement — “Toooo Infinity . . .” — you immediately follow up with, “and Beyond!” Infinity is Everything At this point you […]

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There’s A Method to the Madness

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how the maddening global spread of Christianity has affected you.) A back-stage tour At the beginning of this year, dear reader, I would like to invite you to come backstage with me and take a tour of the ideas that sit behind the “There and Back Again” columns.  As you may have guessed, my administrative work at Trinity International University – Florida grows out of a concern for the well-being of the church. I firmly believe in Christian higher education, as you can read in the September 2021 edition of Good News. My […]

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Reflect and Reposition

The beginning of a new year always has a bit more emotion attached to it.  Sometimes we are eager to leave the old behind and start fresh and then other times we wish the year would never end. Many of us may be anticipating good things, including some significant milestones.  However, there may be some of us that have a sense of dread.  We may be anticipating some hard decisions and wishing things could be different (and we are tired) or our minds are filled with anxious thoughts as we anticipate the future. Like I said, the beginning of a […]

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Locking Arms to Serve Our Community

On January 17 when the alarm clock sounds, some Americans will sit up grudgingly to face Monday morning, then plop back onto the pillow in relief when they remember it’s a federal holiday. But at Palm Beach Atlantic University, students will hop out of bed anyhow, not wanting to be late for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. We expect about 300 students to climb onto buses heading out to various volunteer service sites organized by the University’s office of “Workship.” That’s PBA’s award-winning community service program, so named by combining the words work and worship. From the founding […]

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A Prayer of Affection

Matthew 6:9 How many times have those two words escaped your lips over the years of your own Christian experience? Hundreds? Thousands? They have become so familiar that they are often rushed through and skipped over in our quest to get to the more direct requests of this model prayer —“Give us…forgive us…deliver us.” But take a step back for just a moment and think on those words — “Our Father.” No matter who we might be, whether we have just begun the faith journey or have been walking this path for decades, we can all begin our prayer time […]

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Three Things to Leave Behind in 2021

We’ve been through various collective, societal experiences this year, including the continued effects of a pandemic, global supply chain issues and what they’re calling the ‘Great Resignation.’ Cultural reality is constantly shifting. To accommodate, we must leave behind mindsets and habits that hinder us from moving forward and revise long-standing routines or risk becoming burnt out. Three Things Left Behind As we enter into a new year, let’s be intentional about abandoning these three things:   Our Desire for ‘Normalcy’ I’ve heard friends and peers share their hope for a return to normalcy. Most wish to go back in time […]

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Franklin Graham: The Light of Christ Shines in a Dark World

The world into which Jesus was born 2,000 years ago was a troubled one. Joseph and Mary’s 100-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for a census was due to an empire-wide decree issued by Caesar Augustus. The imperial edict was primarily for the purpose of taxation, which imposed an enormous burden on the working class. Rome had been ruling with an iron fist for more than 100 years. Their army had captured nation after nation, and every city throughout Judea was firmly under their dominion. Poverty was commonplace, and the constant threat of famine and drought had taken […]

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