
Happy New You!

(Scroll down to leave a comment on the new you) Before we launch out on yet another New Year, it is important to take some time to reflect on the past year. Have you taken the time to consider all of the many blessings God has given to you, both temporal and spiritual, over the past 365 days? To be sure, each year has both its ups and downs, highs and lows, but through it all, we know that our God is good and all things are ultimately working together for our good. “And we know that in all things […]

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Never Stop Learning

With the rising cost of tuition, books and living expenses, going back to college is no easy feat. However, with the advent of technology and the expansion of cheaper alternatives, finding a way to learn has never been easier. Foreign language In this day and age, neither classroom experience nor Rosetta Stone is your only way to learn a new language. Languages can be learned virtually through programs such as Pimsleur, Fluenz, Berlitz and DuoLingo (free!). Additionally, you can supplement your education by watching, listening to, and reading foreign television shows, movies, music and literature (all of which can be […]

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The Grand Design of Life: Evolution’s Worst Enemy

How life – which is marked by astonishing complexity and intricate design mechanisms all working together in an invisible harmony – began is considered the “mystery of mysteries” for secular theorists. The properties required for life – even in a single cell – are so uniquely complex that no super machines made by man can compare. Every living cell produces energy with amazing efficiency. They go through remarkable growth and developmental stages, repair themselves and have many unique methods of reproduction to perpetuate their existence on planet earth. And each cell has its own amazingly complex information system programmed into […]

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The Wonder of Time

Human experience is marked with by time. There are popular expressions such as “racing against time” or “running out of time” that are familiar figures of speech. We are connected to time, because it gives an order to life that depends on a beginning and an end with intervals of time trapped in between. Every human being on Earth experiences this. We are born destined to die. This is a sad truth for atheists; however, Christians no longer fear death. Our faith tells us that, in Christ, we are set free from the bonds of time. Outside of time We […]

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From Abuse to Acceptance

Whenever I share my story with others, I’m inevitably asked how I’ve managed to persevere in spite of the many difficulties I’ve experienced, especially in my faith. I was raised in an abusive home, by a silent mother who never wanted me and an angry father who struggled with mental health issues. I bear the scars of physical, emotional and verbal abuse, as well as what I refer to as “religious abuse.” While salvation in itself is a miracle for each human soul, it is by an extra measure of God’s grace that I am a follower of Jesus Christ […]

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Jesus & the American Dream

Many American believers find themselves struggling with integrating their faith and their culture at times. This is especially true when it comes to the idea of success, ambition and goals in their lives. Culture influences everyone including Christians. Every American is indoctrinated in the concept of the “American Dream,” as well as in capitalism early in life. Can these philosophies co-exist with biblical Christianity? After all, Jesus taught humility, servanthood and principles such as, “The last shall be first.” America is a materialistic society with the negatives that come with that philosophy. Many wonder, “Am I compromising my faith by […]

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The State of Real Estate

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past five years, you know that our economy and real estate market have been tumultuous in recent times. It seems that every state has its own story about the current real estate market, and while this article will focus mainly on South Florida, you may be interested to know that we all share a similar nemesis in the real estate market. This common enemy comes in the form of well-established hedge and private equity funds that leave little or no inventory for standard buyers in search of a good deal […]

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First Things First

  “If you don’t know where your starting point is, then how do you know where you are or where you are going?” A similar statement was made by the Alabama Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore, who famously took on the ACLU when he prominently displayed a two-and-a-half ton granite monument of the Ten Commandments in the public courthouse building. Judge Moore believed in the paramount importance of starting with God from whom all morality originates. The Creator is the Lawgiver, and if we do away with the Creator, there is no law. Moreover, without law, […]

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Young Earth – Part 3

Question: Are there evidences for young earth that can easily be observed?  This month’s article is the last of the three part series on evidences for a young earth. Last month, we focused on exposing the underlying fallacy of slow and gradual change in terms of millions and billions of years. It was concluded that fossil and geological records actually revealed a cataclysmic worldwide event as witnessed in the Genesis Flood account and affirmed by God’s Word. Assuming long ages with gradual changes, what does one actually observe? We see the absence of millions and billions of years of time […]

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College Survival Guide

College can be a fun, exciting, and adventurous time; however, it can also have its scary moments as well. You will inevitably get lost around campus, be unprepared for a pop quiz, and have issues with your roommate – but it doesn’t have to always be that way. Here are a few tips to help you get your college journey started on the right track. Network Even before you start classes, try to find someone you know that is older and also attends your college. A mentor is a priceless thing to have – they can inform you on what […]

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