
To Glee or Not To Glee…That is the Question!

Glee raked in 19 Emmy and 11 Golden Globe nominations (the most nominated series of the year), taking home four Emmy and two Grammy Awards in 2010. Parents, be afraid. Be very afraid… This mesmerizing, toe-tapping musical comedy-drama advertised to teens, focuses on inclusion for the high school glee club members as they sort out their relationships, sexuality and awkward social quandaries.  Being a former theatre major, I tuned in week after week, excited to escape with the vocally-talented characters as they spun innovative twists on popular show tunes. However, I found myself emotionally connecting with the misfortunes of the […]

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Artists of the Abolition

Throughout the Old Testament, God continuously instructed Israel to send their worshippers into battle in advance of the army. Though much has changed about the details of warfare, some things have not as God continues to use musicians and worship leaders to inspire, challenge and encourage in the battle for social, political and spiritual advancement. Here are just a few of the modern day worshippers who are using their platform and talents to advance the cause for justice in today’s abolitionist movement through their lyrics and their lives. Meredith Andrews Growing up in Wilson, NC, Meredith Andrews needed to look […]

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Expect a Miracle

Have you ever noticed that when you are witnessing to some unbelievers and the subject of miracles from the Bible comes up, some people will try to justify the miracle by natural means? I always tell these people that Spiritual laws operate differently than the Laws of Physics. I tell them that most people claim that “seeing is believing”, but in the Spirit realm of God “believing is seeing”. I just recently saw a cartoon in which one person, an unbeliever, is telling a Christian that the Red Sea was drying up and the water was very shallow and that […]

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10 Films to Watch About Human Trafficking

Knowledge is the first step to fighting the war on human trafficking. These ten films and documentaries shine a spotlight on this global epidemic. Their tragic depictions will motivate you to take a stand in the modern day abolitionist movement. The Dark Side of Chocolate Have you ever thought that the chocolate you buy and enjoy may have originated from child slavery in Africa? In 2001, consumers around the world were outraged to discover the existence of child labor and trafficking on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast, a country responsible for producing nearly half of the world’s cocoa. In […]

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The Big Mistakes of Debt …Part 2

     Do you find yourself depending on the world’s wisdom or God’s wisdom when it comes to financial advice? God’s Word is true, timeless, universal, transcendent and completely practical. Unfortunately, all too often, we depend upon the finite wisdom of the world for our financial counsel. This is especially true with the constant barrage of worldly advice urging us to use debt to “get ahead”. Christians need to carefully study what the Bible has to say about debt. Though God’s word is certainly not a financial textbook, it does offer clear guidelines that we can apply to our financial […]

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The For Wives Only Series: From Devalued to Delivered

In a recent issue of The Good News, Cory Nickols covered the sensitive issue of pornography addiction and men in addition to offering different avenues and therapies that can be taken for those seeking help. This month, we will look at the issue from the perspective of women and will learn how a local South Florida Life is helping those women whose partners or husbands are struggling with this addiction. Am I Not Enough? For women whose relationships are struggling because of their partner’s addiction to pornography or who have engaged in an adulterous affair, the situation can seem hopeless. […]

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Faith and the Functional Atheist

At first glance, faith in Jesus Christ and the beliefs of the functional atheist seem as far apart as the east is from the west. But upon closer inspection, we see that everyone who professes faith in Christ does, at times, live like a functional atheist. A functional atheist is someone who professes faith in Christ, but behaves as if He doesn’t exist. They don’t say, “There is no God,” but rather they deny the existence of God in their lives by the way they are living at a particular time. The functional atheist has decided to live apart from […]

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Walking the Walk

As a Christian, I have found that “talking the talk” requires a skill set of learning God’s Word and hearing the instructions of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, I have also found that “walking the walk” is a completely separate entity and will take a lifetime of learning. Only Jesus could truly “walk the walk” because He was sinless; we, however, will never be. God knows that we have a lot to learn, and thankfully, He is willing and able to teach us, if only we will listen. Learning boils down to one thing: “Are we teachable?” Being […]

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How to Keep a Positive Attitude

In counseling a young woman, who had been sexually molested as a young child, we worked on an approach called “healing of memories”. In this intervention she was to picture Jesus coming into the past event and wait to see what He would say or do. We waited in silence after a time of preparation. She told me she saw the Lord and He said to her, “I was there.” This was a new revelation to her as she had always felt God had left her alone. To her, this thought of realizing God never abandoned her was very helpful […]

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Waiting on God…

There are times when our walk with God seems fast-paced. God is opening doors and meeting needs, and we need to run just to keep up with Him. But there are other times when the Lord seems to slow His pace, at least from our perspective. His answers to prayer seem delayed. His provision never comes late but neither does it arrive early. There are even times when He will seem silent as a distant friend. The Bible tells of godly men and women who waited on God, looking for His guidance and provision. By waiting on Him, they learned […]

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