The Good News is more than just a newspaper. It’s a resource with eternal impact!
As the largest Christian newspaper in America, our mission is to reach our community with a relevant message of hope & truth. We exist to support charitable nonprofits in the Christian community and to promote businesses that support those efforts.
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Who reads the Good News?
Did you know that 86 million Americans read community newspapers every week?
- 81% of Americans read a local community newspaper each week
- Readers, on average, share their paper with 3.36 additional readers
- Community newspaper readers spend about an hour with their paper
- 73% read most or all of their community newspaper
- Nearly 40% keep their community newspaper more than a month
- 47% say they read the newspaper for the ads
- 70% prefer to read newspaper ads than view ads on the internet
Good News readers and partners are:
- Influential Christians and community members
- Church leaders and volunteers
- Community decision makers
- Dedicated family members
- Committed to living out their faith
- Technologically savvy
- Business owners and decision makers
- People just like you