
Three Verses for Youth… And the Rest of Us!

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NKJV). Shortly after I became a follower of Christ at age seventeen, someone told me three very important verses for young believers to know. I distinctively remember immediately writing them in the flyleaf of my Bible. Over those first months of my Christian walk, only God knows how many times I referred to them until they were forever locked in the memory bank of my mind.  Over these five decades of Christian living, I have owned dozens of Bibles in […]

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Hope Springs Eternal

“A college diploma doesn’t stop a bullet.” That was one of my “go to” comments many years ago when interviewing candidates who were seeking a federal agent position and who felt aptly qualified due to their academic excellence. Although the “proud” owner of three separate sheepskins myself, it became very obvious early in my career that if I desired to remain alive, it would be best not to put much credibility on thesis. As a young Criminology student I was taught the theory of phrenology, whereby certain bumps present on a person’s skull could dictate a penchant for wrongdoing. Also […]

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Dr. O.S. Hawkins – A Continuing Legacy of Faith in Fort Lauderdale

A Spiritual father to many, Dr. O.S. Hawkins helped lay the foundations of faith in Fort Lauderdale, leading First Baptist Fort Lauderdale, as pastor, for 15 years through a period of revival and growth in the 1980’s that included construction of the landmark church in the heart of downtown and establishment of the beloved Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant. An iconic pastor, prolific author and passionate advocate for Israel, Hawkins currently serves as chancellor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary but keeps Fort Lauderdale close to his heart, returning often as an honorary speaker at the church he formerly pastored and acting […]

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Franklin Graham: Don’t Hate God’s Chosen People

While I was preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Kraków, Poland, this spring, I visited the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp, where 1.3 million people, mostly Jews, were held captive, tortured, raped and murdered almost 80 years ago. Multitudes were gassed to death with cyanide, and their bodies then put into ovens and incinerated. In total, the brutal Nazi regime slaughtered more than 6 million Jews across Europe during the Second World War. Auschwitz made me wonder if mankind has learned a lesson. Could such virulent antisemitism ever erupt again?  It didn’t take too long to find out. […]

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Nests In Your Hair

Over the past few weeks, we have been reminded of the consequences of sin. We can easily become discouraged or disillusioned when we hear of men and women seduced by sin. One of the ripple effects is that we find ourselves examining our own hearts and actions. My grandmother used to have a saying, “You can’t keep birds from flying over your head, but you can certainly keep them from making nests in your hair.” The imagery was a warning of how sin creeps into our lives. May I illustrate this by telling a story of a friend?   My […]

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Crossing the Rubicon of Relationships

“If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me. But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account. I, Paul, am writing with my own hand. I will repay—not to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides. Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord. Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say” (Philemon vv. 17-21 NKJV).   The year was 49 BC. The order […]

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Have You Received Your Divine Degree?

“You must be born again” (John 3:7). Every year graduating high school seniors head off to college in search of a degree that will help open doors of opportunity and pathways of possibility in their chosen field of study. Some pick a particular course of study and pursue it to completion. Others change direction along the way until they find where they fit. But did you know that there is a degree that is available to everyone of any age that transcends what is offered by any college or university? It’s a B.A. from the College of Christ – Born […]

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