Practical Application

Hope Springs Eternal

“A college diploma doesn’t stop a bullet.” That was one of my “go to” comments many years ago when interviewing candidates who were seeking a federal agent position and who felt aptly qualified due to their academic excellence. Although the “proud” owner of three separate sheepskins myself, it became very obvious early in my career that if I desired to remain alive, it would be best not to put much credibility on thesis. As a young Criminology student I was taught the theory of phrenology, whereby certain bumps present on a person’s skull could dictate a penchant for wrongdoing. Also […]

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Perfectly Imperfect

My mom never uttered empty words — she spoke life and truth everywhere she went. She was a consistent example, full of true wisdom, and had a unique ability to make me smile.  But she could also be…irritably on time…showing up 15 minutes early and then ask me why I was late. Frankly, she didn’t suffer fools very well either, often being impatient when people’s minds didn’t move at the speed of hers. I also always wondered why, with all of her reading and knowledge, her superior intellect, and creative brilliance, she wasn’t as generous as she could have been […]

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Church United Embraces “The Missional Moment”

As a result of research, prayer and the movement of the Holy Spirit, we believe that we are at a pivotal moment in the life of the Church in South Florida. By all accounts, the next 30 years will represent the largest mission opportunity since the beginning of America, and our very own South Florida. While we are witnessing the largest and fastest numerical shift in religious affiliation in the history of our communities, we stand at one of the greatest moments for the Church – the people of God – to be agents of faith, hope and love to […]

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Healthy Leaders, Thriving Churches, Flourishing Cities

In the intricate tapestry that is a local church and ministry network, the well-being of its leaders is of paramount importance. These leaders are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of shepherding their congregations and organizations and serve as the backbone of any vibrant and thriving community. Investing in the holistic health and wholeness of these leaders has cascading positive effects on the leaders themselves, their families, the congregations and constituents they serve, and the overall witness and impact of the Christian community in the region. Health matters Lasting change, transformation, spiritual witness along with the transmission of faith to the […]

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Are You Carrying a Concealed Weapon?

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life.” “If you are going through hell, keep going.” “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.” The World War II Allied Forces were led by talented, experienced and war savvy military officers like MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton, Montgomery, Portal and De Gaulle, among others. In my estimation, however, the lynchpin of this massive war effort was the enigmatic statesman, soldier and strategist Winston Churchill, the originator of the above-mentioned quotes. An imperfect man, known for his drinking […]

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Building Dreams: PBA’s Transformative Journey into the Future

At Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA), the 2024 spring semester is before us. Our halls are bustling with students, faculty and staff. Every day there are interesting, engaging campus activities — in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, we just celebrated 1,900 hours of volunteer work on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   God-Sized Dreams The semester also marks the start of construction projects under our God-Sized Dreams campaign. Just last month, we ceremoniously broke ground on the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Business Hall — a significant milestone and one of four major construction projects slated […]

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How to Spot Potential: The Art of Identifying Future Leaders

2024 — a new year with endless potential. As soon as January hits the scene, dormant goals and aspirations appear.  Beyond the potential to make wise health or financial choices, we have the opportunity as mentors, parents, and friends to call out the leadership potential in others. In 2024, it’s estimated more people from Gen Z will be working full-time than Boomers. With a new surge of young adults entering workplaces, we can be intentional about cultivating their gifts and talents.  I’m often asked, “How do you spot potential in someone who can become a great leader?” While there’s no […]

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AI and You: Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Theology

Envision a society where machines can think, evolve and adapt — a world where artificial intelligence (AI) not just enhances work and life but augments, transforms and controls our very existence. The future we imagined yesterday has arrived, and it carries with it a profound question and concern: Are you ready for advanced Artificial intelligence (AI), and perhaps more importantly, is AI ready for you? Today, AI development is progressing at a remarkable pace, with an array of prominent companies at the helm of innovation. These include household names like Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla and a host of […]

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