Practical Application

Unique “Lift Every Voice” Partnership Opens Program for M.Div.

As much as I appreciate our talented faculty and staff, at Palm Beach Atlantic University we’re all about students, so I must share the excitement we’ve heard from students regarding our historic partnership with Florida Memorial University.  Students in the FMU Chorale expressed this excitement richly when they came to PBA on Feb. 28. It was the concluding day of Black History Month, a fitting time to celebrate the new collaboration between Palm Beach Atlantic and the only historically-Black university in South Florida.  Lift Every Voice! The singers brought us to our feet with a triumphant rendition of “Lift Every […]

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A Commercial, Click And Connection

A few Sundays ago, I met a woman named Rebecca at a local church in Fort Lauderdale. After I had finished preaching, she came up to me asking for prayer and proceeded to share a bit of her story with me. Rebecca had attended a local church for many years yet after experiencing some pain and disillusionment with what she had experienced on Sunday morning, began to slowly withdraw and eventually walked away from church and her faith. Fast forward six years; a few weeks back she saw a He Gets Us commercial on WSVN Channel 7 pointing to the […]

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Lessons from a Sloth

Recently, sloths have been making some appearances. They have had cameos in movies and videos and in some cases have gone viral (a term that today means…became popular). Sloths are best known for their movements, specifically the slow pace and intentionality. They are not known for their looks, but for their speed (or lack of…tacked at .17 miles per hour). I bring up the Sloth because God reminds me of how much I miss when I move too fast… and that brings up what I want to talk about. Slow as a Sloth I typically don’t like to fast. I […]

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Operation Timothy – Making Disciples 50 Years

According to THE CONNECTOR newsletter (Winter 2022, pg.3), “Fifty years ago, CBMC began to undergo what would amount to a seismic shift in its focus and strategies for taking the good news of Jesus Christ to the Marketplace. Over the first 40 years of ministry, CBMC had concentrated almost exclusively on evangelism, presenting the gospel message to masses in some of the nation’s largest cities, before narrowing its scope to business and professional men. However, a key element of Jesus’ Great Commission – making disciples – was not being addressed.” The CBMC mission statement is, “Go therefore and make disciples […]

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Collaboration With The Creator

Wherever you are right now, take a deep breath and just take in the richness of the beauty all around you! Go ahead, take a second to look out of the nearest window or step outside and observe the wind in the trees, the sun on your skin. What a gift we have to feel and experience God’s beautiful creation screaming his glory and proclaiming his mighty handiwork! Maybe as you read this you’re taking a sip of tea or coffee, or enjoying a meal. On your next sip or bite, really hone in on the deliciously complex and life […]

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Good News Wants to Know… Have you ever witnessed a miracle?

This month Good News Wants to Know… Have you ever witnessed a miracle? The greatest miracle I have experienced is the day I gave my heart to Jesus. I was raised in a Christian home, but my parents separated, and I became bitter toward God. My life went downhill fast. The day I forgave my father and committed my life to Jesus marked a drastic change in my life. A change that I could never have imagined. Jesse Carroccio, Station Manager, WRMB, Moody Radio This morning I experienced a miracle.  I woke up!  I could breathe, see, hear, smell, sit up, stand up, walk, […]

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Faculty and Students Blend Faith with Inquiry at Research Conference

As I prepare to join Palm Beach Atlantic University faculty and students at our annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, I’m thankful that I lead a team of Christian educators who get excited about research. But sadly, some Christians are threatened by earnest, scholarly inquiry. For example, we hear of promising youngsters who avoid the sciences, fearful they’ll find something that challenges their faith. Such students would do well to sit in on a chemistry class taught by Dr. Vivian Fernand Narcisse.  Research and Faith “I work with my faith hand-in-hand with my research,” said Vivian. “I don’t see it as separate.” […]

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How to Bring Peace to Your Home

It was twenty-four hours before hurricane Andrew was to come crashing in on south Florida. My elementary age children were helping us get the shutters up and put away outside furniture. Our house was a whirl wind of activity, and I was totally oblivious to the wide-eyed fear on the faces of my kids as they ran around trying to help me get ready. Our home also had two guests: two single, female Christian school teachers from the school my children attended at the time. They were staying with us to ride out their first hurricane. When the windows were […]

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Franklin Graham: Lift Up Your Head

Scroll down to leave a comment on how you keep your head up to God in dark times. We all know the terrible toll that the COVID-19 virus has taken on countries around the globe. The pandemic has taken more than 5.5 million lives worldwide, including more than 850,000 here in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 has become the third-leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease (obviously not counting abortion). As horrific as those totals are, the disease has not only attacked our health but also our society. Illicit drug […]

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Mission Accomplished

(What mission is God calling you to do? Scroll down to leave a comment.) What could these disparate folks possibly have in common: John the Baptist, Mahatma Gandhi, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, John Lennon and Betty White? They were all reared as only children… as I was. Although this is not the time nor place to do a “deep dive” on this cast of characters, most experts agree on the basic characteristics of “unaccompanied souls” like me. “We” tend to be independent to a fault, are overachievers, appear wise beyond our years, can keep ourselves amused, don’t care much […]

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