Practical Application

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Have you ever taken the time to observe a vine that has grown over a fence, shrub or tree? Depending on the vine species, the vine can grow quite vigorously. Some vines are so strong, people can even swing from them. But what if someone were to cut the vine, then what? Within hours, the entire branch that was cut off would wither and die. In the same way, when people get cut off from the main part of the Vine – God – they begin to wither and no longer produce the life giving fruit they were intended to […]

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Gospel-Centered Evangelism

Arthur Stace was born in 1884 in Sydney, Australia. Stace was born into a very poor family and had a rough life growing up. He spent some time in jail and was an alcoholic for the majority of his adult life. One day, in 1930, Stace stumbled his way into a church service and heard the words of the gospel preached. The message was entitled, “The Echoes of Eternity.” It was through hearing this message of eternity that Arthur Stace was converted and came to know Jesus. Stace was so inspired by the sermon that, after his conversion, he would […]

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Is Bible Reading Really Important?

I will give one hundred dollars to the first person who can find one of the two following verses in the Bible with these exact words: “The lion shall lay down with the lamb” or “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” However, no matter how hard you look, you will not find either of them in the Bible in this form. They do not exist. Now whether or not you knew that fact, we as Christians ought to be in God’s Word on a daily basis. We have to be in the Word and bind it to our hearts and […]

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Churches: Mega, Mini, or Something

You walk into one church and feel like you are at a rock concert. You walk into another church and feel like you are at a funeral. One church makes you anxious because of the crowds, and the other church makes you paranoid because everyone knows you’re new and all eyes are on you. It can be a stressful ordeal finding the right church for you and your family. To help along in your search, here are some points to consider: Mega-churches Pros When looking for a church, many seek the opportunities to get plugged in and use their gifts. […]

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Gender Roles

While in our modern context, we might not immediately recognize Jesus’ attitude towards women as particularly radical or liberating—that is indeed what it was to women trapped in a highly patriarchal system with few legal rights and subjugated to male authority. By giving women places of honor in his life, ministry and legacy, Jesus began a major historical shift in views on gender. As a result, Christianity through the ages has emphatically affirmed the equal value of both men and women as created in God’s image. Since its inception, however, Christianity has widely interpreted the Bible as delineating gender-based roles […]

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Denominations Explained

It is no secret that mainline denominational churches have been on a steady decline for decades. The non-denominational church has been “it” for the last 30 plus years. However, with a recent surge of new denominational-affiliated church plants, as well as a resurgence of reformed theology in recent years, some denominations are beginning to see growth for the first time in years. If you have ever wondered what a particular Christian denomination actually emphasizes and teaches, then you’ve come to the right place. While far from comprehensive, the list below covers the main denominational groups and gives a few highlights […]

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Beauty as Intended

I sat here in complete awe of how beautiful she was. I admired every feature, every curve, and thought to myself, “How is it possible that someone could be that stunning and how do I get like that?! These fashion magazines must have secret places where they breed perfect-looking people.” I went on for years thinking that I just wasn’t fortunate enough to have been born a hybrid beauty like these models were. Growing up, I was always teased because my hair was too curly or my skin not clear enough, so I did everything I could to become like […]

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Should Women Work?

The Bible is clear that we are God’s masterpiece. He embedded gifts within each of us before the beginning of time to perform specialized tasks here on Earth (Ephesians 2:10). Actually, the calling God places on our hearts can never be withdrawn;, according to Romans 11:29 it’s irrevocable. Kind of like a divine Mission Impossible assignment ordained by the Father. This revelation is freeing. As a homeschooling mother of four, I often hear strangers say, “I could never homeschool. I’m not sure how you do it.” I typically respond by saying it’s not for everyone—because it isn’t. There are many […]

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5 Tips for Finding the Right Church

Life is all about choices. From the more complex decisions like what career to pursue, who to marry and where you want to live, to the simpler ones like choosing what to wear in the morning. In fact, reading this article is a choice. No matter what we do, there is no running away from the decisions we eventually have to make. Selecting your home church is yet another choice, but in a society that so overwhelmed with options, even narrowing down a church can be a daunting task. So how do you do it? How do you know which […]

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