
What’s your Balance?

Our core expectations for close relationships are affected by all of our previous close relationships, whether with parents, siblings, former spouses, lovers or friends. At certain periods in our life significant people, or even life itself through specific events that affected us, ran up a series of debits or credits in terms of what you needed. Time passes, we walk through life’s revolving door, marry and hand our bill balance over to our spouse. Our spouse gets a credit or a debit for what others did or did not do. Have a Positive Balance If my account has many positive […]

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Good News Celebrates Women of Distinction 2024

In Proverbs 31, the Bible describes a virtuous woman whose value is far above rubies. It paints the image of a remarkable woman engaged in all facets of her community, active in the marketplace, involved in charity and managing the affairs of her household well. “Strength and honor are her clothing…She opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness… Many women do noble things… but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31: 25-26, 30). In conjunction with Mother’s Day, Good News presents our fourth annual feature applauding nine Women of […]

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Working with marriages and families over the past twenty-plus years has been illuminating for me. I’ve found that most of us don’t know ourselves well. Like others, we know things about ourselves, our favorite colors, our taste in food, where we were born, what we like to do, who we hang out with, what we do for work, and what our talents are, but if someone asks us what our core beliefs and values are, we might have to pause.  As a Christian, I could answer without hesitation that I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of […]

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Multiple Marriages with the Same Person

Marriage relationships expand, contract, ebb, and flow with seasons of joy and pain. It brings out the best and worst in us. It exposes our weaknesses and our strengths. It matures and refines us. As we age and transition within the stages of life, our marriages evolve. The person we married in our younger years may not have the same carefree and adventurous spirit after children, but they may have grown in kindness and patience. Let’s look at some of the stages of marriage. Some scholars say there are many more stages than I’ve mentioned, but I consider these primary.  […]

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Good News Applauds Women of Distinction 2023

The Bible describes a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. It paints the image of a remarkable woman involved in all facets of her community, active in the marketplace, involved in charity and managing the affairs of her household well. “Strength and honor are her clothing…She opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness… Many women do noble things… but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31: 25-26, 30). Once again, in conjunction with Mother’s Day, Good News presents our third annual feature applauding four Women of Distinction who are leaders […]

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Fulbright Winner, Back in Uzbekistan, Recalls the Huge Impact of Scholarships

The Women of Distinction gala luncheon comes but once a year, supporting a Palm Beach Atlantic University scholarship. But daily at the university, we see the fruit of such scholarships in the terrific impact PBA students and graduates are having in their communities and across the globe. From Uzbekistan, via Skype, Chanel Nassir recently talked about receiving the Women of Distinction Scholarship, finishing her degree in international business and taking on an English teaching assistantship under the Fulbright Program. The bright faces in the photo give you a clue about how well she is doing in Uzbekistan. That’s Chanel at […]

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A Good Conversation

Over the years, I’ve cherished the robust and sometimes rowdy conversations between family and friends during the holidays. Whether it’s about religion, politics, sports, or who won the card game, it’s lively and sometimes rather intense. Like many of your families, my family is full of strong opinions, and everyone is eager to share. Sometimes the conversations are fascinating because we learn so much about each other’s passions, and other times they become an ouch! The difference between a good conversation and an OUCH is whether or not we’re respectfully speaking AND generously listening. Meaningful relationships are born through meaningful […]

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Living Our Vows

My immediate family has our first wedding. My daughter and her husband, yes, her husband, were married last year at the courthouse before moving to New York City. Because of COVID, no one was allowed to go with them; they were pronounced legally married, not husband and wife. Our immediate family and close friend, Bill Davell, stood outside the courthouse, threw flowers, hugged, and went home for a family dinner. In December, they will have a second wedding in a church reciting their vows before God, family, and friends. As we all know, it’s an exciting time with lots of […]

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Marriage is Like Hiking

The Live the Life South Florida team had the blessing of attending the National Alliance for Marriage & Relationship Education conference in Utah a few weeks ago. Most of us went a few days early to take in some sights. Unbeknownst to most of you, I have a sense of adventure, so when someone offers that opportunity, I’m usually game! My daughter Amanda always looks for fun and the once-in-a-lifetime activity when traveling, so she researched and said, “We have to go to Sundance and hike to Stewart Falls.” My only question was how difficult it was, and her answer […]

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STEMing with Girls

Mae Jameson, the first African American woman in space, referred to protecting imagination and interest and making life into one that you would be comfortable and happy with. When it comes to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), many women across America lose interest and deviate from their dreams of a secure life within a STEM-related career. This decision might be based on several factors such as their stereotypical views about STEM and negative thoughts about their abilities. As a result of decreased interest, women are vastly underrepresented in STEM-related fields, and this issue has been a growing concern across […]

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