
I’m Not Super Woman

Heather B. Iseminger As a little girl I remember watching the TV screen with child-like awe. Wonder Woman was my hero. She was powerful, she wore golden, bullet-deflecting bracelets, she never failed to defeat the enemy, and could change clothes in an instant. What little girl wouldn’t want to be her? I mean, who wouldn’t want to save the world in an hour? As I raced around my technicolor living room, I was Wonder Woman. The Underoos proved it. Sounds like a glorious life, right? We live in a day and age where the Super Woman mentality invades the female […]

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Arise, Beauty, Arise!

Who me?  I’m not beautiful.  I’m only someone likely to make a bad choice, believe a lie, or place my affections on wrong things.  How can God call me beautiful?  How can I arise from my knees in those places of deep regret?  Isn’t this the way we often feel when we read the words: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)? In John 8:3-11, the Pharisees and lawgivers brought a woman caught in the act of adultery (most would call her […]

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(No) Baby on Board

It’s a hot button issue; more than ever before women have control over their reproductive lives. We have everything from birth control pills to fertility treatments at our fingertips. We can choose to have a baby now or freeze our eggs and save them until, well, just about whenever we feel like it. In the future, it is forecasted that people will be able to choose everything about their baby from gender to eye color. The question is: Where do we stand as Christians in this ever-changing world? The truth is that opinions on the subject vary within the body […]

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Christmas ideas from the heart

We have all received one at some time or another – a well intentioned but unusable Christmas gift, that sits around collecting dust because we don’t have the heart to part with it. This year, surprise that special someone with a gift that not only is from the heart, but also helps keep additional clutter to a minimum.Ideas for Her: Beautify and Pamper No woman would pass up a day of pampering, including a manicure/pedicure, massage, facial, haircut and color! Don’t forget to go the extra mile and include babysitting, if necessary. Buy or hand make a “Coupon Book” These […]

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How much is a woman’s life worth? In Michigan, only $10,000

Abortionist Alberto Hodari has been fined $10,000 by the State of Michigan for the 2003 abortion-related death of Regina Johnson. The consent order, which recently became public, was issued on March 4, 2009, more than five years after Johnson’s death. “Now we know what a woman’s life is worth in the State of Michigan once she walks into an abortion clinic,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This paltry fine has reduced Ms. Johnson’s life to that of chattel. Animals are bought and sold for more than this.” In exchange for the consent agreement, counts of negligence and incompetence against […]

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