
Mental Health And The Faith

  October is mental health month and many Christians struggle with how they feel about the whole subject of mental health. Is there such a thing as mental illness? Is the Bible alone sufficient to treat mental health issues? Are therapists just giving people a way to rationalize and escape responsibility for their actions? Should Christians take medication for mental issues like depressions and anxiety? These questions rarely get asked about treatment for our physical diseases. Why is mental health different?   What is mental health? The dictionary defines health as, “Physical and mental well-being, freedom from disease, normalcy of […]

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Women Gather For Prayer Summit at Bailey Concert Hall

In 1998, God called a woman by the name of Janet Broling to gather women for a day of prayer at Madison Square Garden in NYC.  She wrote a book about this experience called “What Can One Woman Do”. As God planned it, Angela Santiago, who now resides in South Florida, was part of the worship choir for that prayer summit. Prior to that, God kept putting her in the company of women warriors, women who lived a life of prayer, and women who needed prayer. “I sensed God was birthing in me a new prayer life,” said Santiago. “He […]

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Women’s Conference to Impact the Nation

  Gathering women from all walks of life who believe it is time to stand up and speak out for America, Women Impacting the Nation will host its annual fall conference entitled “Raising the Bar 2015 – The Next Generation” on Saturday, October 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Palm Beach Atlantic University. It is designed to encourage women and equip them with truth that will impact their faith, family and freedoms as they hear national Christian leaders address today’s world issues in the light of God’s word. Women’s Conference The conference will feature appearances by Dove Award […]

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Domestic Violence Crosses All Boundaries

“Domestic violence is an epidemic affecting individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. It is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior that is only a fraction of a systematic pattern of dominance and control. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence,” said Mary Riedel, CEO of Women in Distress. Women in Distress is a Broward based crisis center, founded in 1974. Eighty-three percent of domestic violence victims are female. Women in Distress, along with Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse and Harmony House provide women who are victims of […]

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There’s Something Better Than A Dream

  Have you noticed? Your life is changing. Typically, when we read about how to deal with life changes, we find a discussion about dreams, visions and goals. But, there’s something better than a dream. Yes, dreams are important, and should not be minimized. Dreams give us a focus, show us where to go, what to find, and what we really want to have, but dreaming is not the most important. The word better doesn’t mean that other things are not good; it just means, in a list of things, there’s one thing better. So, dreams and visions; hopes, ideas […]

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The “A” List Women of God

Is it just me, or have you ever noticed that successful Christian women in the church generally have really great hair? Of course I’m jesting, but in all honesty I might not be that far off in projecting a fairly accurate profile. Every arena of life has politics and the church is no exception. As such, it is not uncommon for the woman with the vibrant personality and confident abilities to rise to the top. She also might be married to an influential man, have beautiful children and most importantly possess “A” list talents. I remember walking into church one […]

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Mothers in a Multi-Cultural Family

Mothers in a multi-cultural family are heroes. These moms cherish the wealth that cultural diversity can bring and bravely face the inevitable clash of beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors. They intimately know it can be exasperating in a different way. As one multi-cultural family mother said, “Most of the people in the world who drive me nuts… are in my family.”Another mother called it, “Genuine blind love.” Different research studies estimate that within 20 years white-Caucasian people will no longer be a majority in America. Even more stunning, EthniFacts Research claims this was already the case in August 2014. How […]

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A Modern-day Priscilla

We often look at women portrayed in the Bible and Christian women who have impacted history through their stories of formidable faith and think they are in a league of their own. But that’s not necessarily true. While we should look at Mary, Esther, Ruth or Mary Magdalene’s record, study the accounts of all their good works and learn how they sought a real relationship with God, how they responded to his call and stood for their beliefs, remember this: God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He assigns missionaries all over the world including our own backyards. As […]

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Different than what I Thought, Better than I Imagined

Sometimes we think we have life all figured out, until life’s journey takes a surprising turn from what we expected. During a Christian Women in Leadership Luncheon in February, Lynette Lewis, author of Climbing the Ladder in Stilettos and How to Hold Out, Hang On and Marry the Man of Your Dreams shared how God has fulfilled her dreams in unexpected ways and on His own time schedule. While attending Oral Roberts University, Lewis always assumed she’d meet her future husband some time during her senior year, they’d fall in love, graduate together and marry a year or two later […]

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Adventures in Singlehood

As we exit the Christmas season of parties and family gatherings and enter the Valentine’s Day season of love and romance, many of us have wondered where we fit in. Some of us feel an emptiness, a chasm in our hearts that we believe should be filled by a spouse. While some love the freedom of being single, others feel lonely and even angry at God that he has left them alone. Others, search the Bible for solace in Paul’s point that it is better to be single than married (1 Corinthians 7: 8-9). Like most Americans, single or married, […]

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