
Good News Applauds Women of Distinction 2022

“Many women do noble things, but… a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised,” declares Proverbs 31:29 -30. This well-known chapter describes a remarkable woman involved in all facets of her community, active in the marketplace, involved in charity and managing the affairs of her household. She is a woman of distinction. This month, in conjunction with Mother’s Day, Good News applauds five women of distinction who are leaders in our faith community. Read their thoughts on their calling along with a few words of advice.   Elizabeth Mitchell Boca Raton Community Church   A talented author and […]

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A Godly Mother’s Greatest Goal

This is the month when we honor motherhood, so I thought it would be a good idea to use a passage from sacred Scripture to set forth a godly mother’s greatest goal. “The mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. ‘What is it you want?’ he asked. She said, ‘Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom’” (Matthew 20:20-21). “Zebedee’s sons” were James and John, who, along with Peter, made up the inner circle […]

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2022: Resolve to Obey

Last year I closed out the year with an article on resolving to forgive in 2021. I’d be curious how we did with the resolution to forgive. For me, I continued to wrestle with hurt from someone that I said would never, ever betray me. It’s been a hurt that continued for several years, but God reminds me of what Jesus said as He was being crucified: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  I was also reminded of the verse, “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according […]

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Fingerprints Versus Soul Prints

Our fingerprints leave impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the finger. To date, no two people have been found to have the same arrangement of patterns, even twins. Even as we shed skin, the ridge formations are identical and remain unchanged throughout our life. Investigations have relied heavily on the thumbprint for someone’s identity, but with advanced technology, we can learn much more about someone than just a matched print. Mass Spectrometry is able to not only provide an image but it can also identify the weight of molecules and whose molecules they are. The […]

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Night School Classmates Found Encouragement, Confidence and Friendship

The next time something unpleasant pops up to interrupt your plans, take heart from Jessica Clasby. She’s come to believe “God has reasons for His timing.” About 10 years ago, while running a membership program for the Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce, Jessica learned about Palm Beach Atlantic University’s evening classes for non-traditional students. As she heard PBA’s Dr. Jim Laub describe the Christian atmosphere and the leadership program, “something inside me just totally changed,” she recalled. Prior to that time, she’d been content with the associate’s degree she earned at a community college. But after hearing Laub’s […]

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Mother’s Day HERoes

Many women in the Christian community work faithfully in the shadows of their high profile husbands. In honor of Mother’s Day, we wanted to shed some light on a few outstanding women who are making a difference through their own ministries, acting as mentors to other women and serving their families well. They share some challenges and rewards of mothering along with a few words of advice.  Rosemary Barnes Rosemary Barnes has been teaching the word of God to women at Sheridan House Family Ministries and at several South Florida churches for more than 40 years. She leads a weekly […]

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In Women’s History Month, Look Back Gratefully But Also Look Around

As I peruse the fascinating resources collected for Women’s History Month, I thank God for the suffragists and other pioneers in our land of opportunity, a land where opportunity hasn’t always abounded for all. But as I look back with gratitude, I also look around me to see many women today who inspire us by using the gifts God gave them: serving and leading, untethered by the stereotypes and expectations of culture. Consider some of the encouraging ladies we see within the Palm Beach Atlantic community.  Best Women at PBA Among many key female leaders at PBA, here are two […]

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Trust Builds Love

For months we’ve had rioting in the streets, elections at the highest level in our nation inundated with accusations of fraud, churches fractured over leadership decisions, a news media that’s increasingly biased by personal opinion, a pandemic that’s gripped the world, and a tragic suicide bombing on Christmas morning.  Fear and lack of trust are rampant. How did we get to this point? Satan. Satan always aims at trust when he wants to divide because trust affects love. The more intimately we trust someone, the more capacity we have to love them. The less we trust them, the harder it […]

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Pause or Pursue

It’s Fall! A glorious season full of family, celebrations and romance! Hannah Felding, a romance novelist, recently sent out a survey polling the readers’ choice for the most romantic season of the year. Fall came in at 43 percent, followed by Spring at 31 percent. Of all the brides surveyed, a whopping 28 percent got engaged on a holiday or other special occasion. So while others are thinking about pumpkins and turkey, I’m encouraging those that are hoping this will be a season of romance to pursue clarity in your dating relationship so you’ll have discernment regarding whether to hit […]

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Take Out the Trash

One of our most provocative communication tools is Taking Out the Trash. I’ve hesitated to share it in this format because it is also one of the most emotional tools. The Dialogue Guide was designed to facilitate disagreement. It comes with relational intensity, but it doesn’t necessarily generate the same level of emotional depth that the Trash Can tool elicits.   Swimming Laps versus Scuba Diving My reason for swimming toward deep waters is due to several evaluations we received from our recent RECL(AIM) marriage workshop. Several couples, with tears, shared that they wished we had started with the Trash […]

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