
Stop, Look And Listen = You Matter

Whether you’re talking to a child, a co-worker or the love of your life, when we stop, look and listen to them, we’re giving them our full attention, which says YOU MATTER! All three actions are keys to having meaningful, connected conversations which in turn leads to significant, connected relationships.   What does it mean to stop? Stop means purposefully ending whatever you’re doing to give someone undivided attention. Close the laptop, lay down the phone, put it on silent, remove the earbuds, stop folding the clothes and turn off the television. STOP means to remove yourself from anything that […]

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Maintain And RECL(AIM) Your Relationships

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how you maintain your relationships) The Christmas season is over, and the challenge of mastering our New Year Resolutions is upon us. Every year I take some time to reflect on the previous year; my accomplishments, failures, and all that I have to be thankful for. Then I begin my list of aspirations for the coming year. What do I want to accomplish, what do I want to do differently, what new leaf will I turn over, and what do I want to continue? Without fail, every year the same three things make […]

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Be Refreshingly Uncommon

My dad told me a long time ago, “Find out what everybody else is doing and don’t do it.” I have found this little bit of advice to be beneficial at times. As a pastor sometimes I observe other pastors and preachers and I read about church leadership, church growth, vision-casting and fundraising, and I do the exact opposite. Be refreshingly uncommon at times. For example, my wife and I see a marriage counselor and have no problem sharing that publicly. How can I counsel couples on the importance of checking in with a counselor when I’m not willing to […]

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Cohabitation Versus Marriage

Last month we explored the trend of Christian couples living together from a faith perspective.  We know what Jesus says about premarital sex…. it’s a big no; it’s a sin. The assumption is if you’re living together, you’re having sex. Let’s explore what the secular, academic communities research reveals versus what we choose or want to believe because it’s convenient and culturally accepted.  Cohabitation has been practiced for generations but for a variety of reasons. In colonial days ministers and officiates were less available, so couples formed homes and families without a legal declaration. This was the birth of common […]

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Unleashed Women’s Event Encourages Women to Deploy their Gifts

More than 500 women gathered at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on January 25 and 26 for Unleashed. The multi-church women’s event spearheaded by Dede Lomenick, of Rio Vista Community Church, explored how women can walk in the freedom that only Christ can give. Unleashed featured local women, who are community leaders, in panel discussions and displayed resources from nonprofits in their Resource Room during breaks. Lomenick also announced the launch of a new website www.unleashed1.com, which is being developed as a curated collection of local women’s Bible studies, Christian mental health professionals, non-profits and more resources for South Florida women. […]

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Taking Women’s Health Off the Back Burner

  May 14-20 celebrates National Women’s Health Week, a health initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This campaign correlates with Mother’s Day to remind us that women often put their own health on the back burner while multi-tasking and caring for those around them. Indeed, today’s woman is often working, raising a family, caring for aging parents, juggling household chores, church or social responsibilities, and eating on the run. Nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise and the effect of stress on hormones can quickly lead to chronic health problems. When drugs are medically prescribed, side effects […]

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A Mother’s Day to Remember

It was Mother’s Day 2013 when I stood before an altar in an empty church and accepted Christ into my life. I realized back then in that moment that Jesus picked that day for a specific reason. My doubt, my pain, my reason for living was all tied up in my role as a mother; it was why I was created. I didn’t understand the full significance of God’s reasons and timing in that moment, but I have since learned so much from him about why it had to happen that way.   Doubt You see, we as mothers continually […]

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I Am Woman; Where’s My Roar?

The message today to women is you can both have and do it all. So why aren’t more women roaring rather than dealing with depression and anxiety? It is hard to roar when you are depressed or anxious. I can hear some man saying, “Oh. my wife roars plenty around our house.” There is a big difference between yelling out of hurt and frustration and roaring with confidence and joy. Rather than buy into the world’s empty promises, let’s look at how to get your roar back. This begins with self acceptance.   Is self-image biblical? The short answer is […]

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Women of Faith Who Impacted History

March is Women’s History Month. When we think of important Christian women, we often think of the Virgin Mary. But did you know that one of the very first missionaries in the New Testament was actually a woman? She never gets a proper name, but we know her as the woman at the well (John 4:4-26). All throughout, women have played a pivotal role in Christian history. Women have been used by God to spread the good news of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, and are examples of God’s love on earth ever since Jesus’ days. Three deeply Christian women […]

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Maria Found Life

  It was late on a Sunday night last September. We were wrapping up our 40 Days for Life kick-off rally at the Spanish church next door to Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center, a late-term abortion facility. We were preparing to leave. That’s when a young woman named “Maria” who looked in distress, arrived at the church. She had seen online that the abortion facility was open 24 hours a day. She said she was seeking information for a “friend” considering abortion. Tom Walker, the 40 Days campaign director, explained the dangers associated with abortion and the facility next door and […]

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