
Hope Women’s Centers Celebrates 30 Years of Service

January 17, 2017 marked 30 years since Hope Women’s Centers opened its doors and hearts to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. Hope offers free and confidential services including pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, options counseling, and referrals for women and men who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. Hope has been a trusted source for pregnancy counseling throughout the past three decades because they do not financially benefit based on the decisions of their patients. “We are a trusted and safe place — for men and women — where they can process the reality of their situation and make an […]

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Women Called To Be Salt and Light In the Workforce

Behind every powerful male figure in history there has been a woman; there have also been women who have risen above all odds and wielded tremendous power. Queens, princesses, presidents, ambassadors, heads of state, successful business women, wives, mothers — all running, organizing, informing or supporting some type of organization or institution. Indubitably, God has given women a certain type of wisdom mixed with deep emotion and spiritual ability that gives us the capacity to influence and change people’s lives while making our mark in history — good or bad. Women have helped define some workplaces with our beliefs, intelligence, […]

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Young Women Working to Transform Haiti

TransforMe Ayiti was founded by Jadine Louissaint, a second-generation Haitian born and raised in the Miami area. Growing up in Miami during the 80’s, she experienced the stigma that was associated with her culture and ancestry, and felt that the way to escape from that social disadvantage was through education and a personally fulfilling career. Jadine obtained a bachelor’s degree in nursing in 2005 from the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies and became a Registered Nurse. She pursued and obtained a Healthcare MBA from the Chapman School of Business at Florida International University in the Fall […]

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Restore Conference 2016 Shines a Light on Human Trafficking

There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80 percent are female and half are children. Even more alarming is the number of children in foster care who have made their way into the sex trade. The Restore Conference held November 18 at Journey Church in Boynton Beach worked to combat that, shedding light not only on the global effects of human trafficking, but highlighting the issue in our own communities. The conference brought together people of […]

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Platelets: The New Pink

  It’s pink season again. With October being the official breast cancer awareness month, the color pink is in full bloom. But what does wearing pink have to do with curing breast cancer? For some, it is a reminder to have a breast exam for early cancer detection. For others, it is the time to make that donation or raise money to fund cancer research. This is worthwhile, as many of us know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and we pray that these funds can help our loved ones now. Unfortunately, for many of these cancer patients […]

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Local Abortion Facility May Lose Its License

The Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center, site of seven 40 Days for Life prayer vigils over the past three and a half years, may lose its license to perform abortions. Complaints have been filed against the center and three others owned by late-term abortionist Dr. James Pendergraft by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). The Agency states that Pendergraft is no longer eligible to operate abortion clinics in Florida. In February, the Orlando Sentinel reported that the AHCA filed administrative complaints against Pendergraft in January as a consequence of his arrest by Spartanburg, South Carolina Sheriff deputies on October […]

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Help Her, Period Assist Homeless Women

Over 25 excited volunteers along with The Beauty Initiative, Inc. assembled more than 300 bags of hygiene products for local homeless women in need on August 13.. After becoming aware of the taboo issue of homeless women lacking monthly menstrual necessities, Ashley L Eubanks began the “Help Her, Period” movement, a campaign that collected sanitary items to distribute to the women on the streets of South Florida. Ashley forfeited her plans of a lavish 30th birthday party and requested that she receive sanitary items instead of gifts. She promoted on social media to local organizations and with flyers papered around […]

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Women Gather for Prayer on September 23

Need Prayer? Need forgiveness? In our society today, who doesn’t? On September 23, Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth and Revive Our Hearts is hosting a live simulcast prayer event for ladies only starting at 7 p.m. Join women all over the U.S. for a three-hour intense prayer event. It’s an opportunity to get real with God, get honest with ourselves and get connected with thousands of women nationwide for fervent prayer and healing. More than moms, more than wives, we are daughters in Christ, and this is an opportunity to come together as women of Christ and pray like never before. This […]

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How Can I Ever Trust Again?

I recently to spoke at The Uptown Lunch, a monthly event sponsored by my church during which the pastor asked a number of questions related to how I got where I am today. I shared that after three relationships that included physical abuse, rape and infidelity followed by abandonment, I didn’t like men. I wanted nothing to do with them for a very long time. Recognizing that I am now a well-adjusted happily-married woman, Pastor Stephen asked, “So, how did you learn to trust again.”   The easy answer Don’t. “That’s right, don’t trust again. Stay out of relationships.” The […]

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Women of Influence: Running the Race Marked Out For You

Most of us aspire toward a life of meaning, purpose and contribution. Heroic acts of compassion by people such as Mother Theresa and Dorothy Day invite our spirits to rise up a notch. Great competitive athletes and performers inspire us to pack stadiums, arenas and living rooms across the globe. Many of us even put on their work uniforms – their jerseys – and buy shirts and hats with their names on them. Something in us is drawn to greatness. Most of us have heard of the Proverbs 31 woman. She is virtuous, strong, wise, entrepreneurial, the perfect mother, the […]

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