
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Husbands love your wives… the end. If only it were that simple right? So what makes you feel loved? Dr. Gary Chapman thought this was such a vital question that he wrote an entire book about it entitled The 5 Love Languages. The book centers around figuring out what makes you and your spouse tick when it comes to feeling loved. Needless to say, it was a best seller in both the mainstream and Christian markets. Why? Because we are indeed a people searching for love, acceptance, encouragement, appreciation, acknowledgement and even applause from time to time. Thousands upon thousands […]

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Good News for Hurting Moms

“It is with great pleasure and joy, that it is hereby declared, that you are the best mom in the whole entire history of the world. Happy Mother’s Day!” This is an extreme example of a Mother’s Day card gone terribly wrong. However, it is one of thousands of cards speaking to moms everywhere and assuring them they are the best. Peruse the drugstore and read the glowing and flattering phrases; “Thank you Mom, you are the best! You add love to everything you do! You are the greatest mom! You are unselfish, patient and gentle!” I am thankful for […]

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The Gospel Unchains Hearts

If we understand that the gospel frees us to love and to be spontaneous with our love, it begs the question; “What does the gospel in action look like?” What does a life set free by grace free us to do? In considering the implications of the gospel, we love the question; “What will you do now that you don’t have to do anything?” However, our relentless desire to perform creeps in and we ask; “Okay, now what? What must I be doing? What exactly does it look like to love this way?” A friend shared a recent experience she had with her […]

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Teaching Character

When it comes to parenting, an extreme focus on character education and training in our culture has seeped into the church and into Christianity at large. Mesmerized by good behavior, we have equated positive character traits with godliness. We are in shock by the degradation and immorality we see around us, and we believe we can fix the tidal wave of a culture gone mad. We truly believe we can turn it around with educational programs that teach good character and a standard of morality. However, in focusing on the traits rather than the Giver of them, we have placed […]

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Jesus is Better than Hope in a Jar

What is hope? Where do you go to find hope? Can hope be found? Is it real or is hope just a feeling you get when things go well? I had a jar sitting on my bathroom counter and the label said it all. “Hope in a Jar.” It sounded so reassuring. Part of the reason I purchased this smooth concoction of age reducing moisturizer was that I actually believed what it said, at least in part. I fell for the alluring advertising. It appealed to my desire for a more youthful complexion in the midst of my aging reality. […]

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Happy New Year?

The ball has dropped, the tinsel is fading, and the fireworks and celebrations are spent. Advent is over, the new year is here and things have not changed. I look around and see no radical move of God, no deep and lasting transformation. Like last year, my resolutions look more like my Christmas wish list – mostly dreams and unfulfilled longings. The beginning of a new year brings hope of renewal, fresh starts and clean slates. That is what I used to think. I guess I have lived a few more years and am more realistic these days. I now […]

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Something about the title of this article probably interests you. The word “outcast” may have caught your attention, but probably not in a positive way. It’s the kind of interest you have when you drive by the scene of a horrific car accident. You pretend you do not want to view the details, but inside you long to see every bit of the horror. What do you think of when you read the word “outcast”? Do you envision the person in your neighborhood that looks different from you? Do you picture the woman on the busy intersection median boldly soliciting […]

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Less Spiritual, More Free

I’ll be honest, I’m wrestling these days. These words have echoed in my heart this week; less spiritual, more free. I doubt that I will ever be the same. Although God grabbed hold of me eleven years ago, I feel like I have been reborn again. It’s a bit scary. It’s like losing a foothold and losing control. It’s like having the roadmap ripped out of my hands while traveling at breakneck speed. It doesn’t seem to make sense but at the same time it seems too good to be true! More and more these days I find myself singing […]

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Real Men Don’t Buy Girls

The voice of a young girl screams relentlessly as she is being sold into the sex trade industry, “Help…help…please help,” but no one is there to hear her cry. No one is there to speak up on her behalf and be a voice against her injustice. Betrayed by her own mother, she was given over to the owner of a brothel to be exploited, earning money for her family. To escape the hurt and pain, this young girl tries to commit suicide many times but fails. She grows up feeling worthless and devalued because of the trauma she had endured […]

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Grace Giver

Michael Rivers While passing through an intersection one evening, a small car hit my SUV on the driver side.  For a brief moment that seemed like an eternity at the time, my life flashed before my eyes. The impact of the collision flipped my SUV over and then back upright about 20 feet down the road.  Thankfully, I walked away from the accident unscratched and pain free. We might find ourselves in the midst of an unexpected collision, often surprised by a life-altering impact.  In the eighth chapter of John’s gospel, we discover an adulterous woman who was also impacted […]

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