Practical Application

Making A New Years Dissolution

Instead of coming up with yet one more resolution, maybe this year it’s time to add a “dissolution” to our New Year’s list? This is where we make a conscious effort to “dissolve” our own efforts towards ridding that stubborn thorn in our lives that simply will not change. Certainly change is good when appropriate, but not all things are going to change. Maybe the first order of business in the New Year is to consider the difference. There is an old saying worth looking at that goes like this: “God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I […]

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Resolve of the Redeemed

If you are like most of us, you have prayerfully considered some things you would like to be different about 2015 compared to last year. This may have led you down “The Road of Resolve.” Perhaps you resolve to. . . The Road of Resolve – get in better shape – earn better grades – spend more wisely – be more organized – be more patient – serve more – save more – give more – forgive quickly – love unconditionally – pray unceasingly Did I miss one of your resolutions?   Biblical resolutions The Scriptures make it crystal clear […]

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The Cradle and The Cross

How do you know that God really loves you? What makes you so sure of it? The first thought may be to count up all the blessings in your life, to consider all the good things that are happening around you. However, if that were the only basis for an assurance of God’s love, then people would doubt his love every time something was lost or seemed to go wrong. God’s love would be called into question every time a job was lost, a loved one died or a terminally ill disease was discovered. So how do you live with […]

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The Best Technology Gift: Wisdom

What’s on your kids Christmas list this year? What technology will be under the tree? Will you place phones, tablets and computers all tucked away under the twinkling lights? Are you feeling overwhelmed with keeping up?. Mike Gault is an owner and operator of several Verizon Wireless stores in South Florida, and according to Mike, “the hot item this year is the iPhone 6.” We are completely dependent on technology. Kids have a wealth of educational information and healthy resources available to them to learn, dream and achieve greatness. But, when it comes to devices and technology, how much is […]

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A Thankful Heart in Difficult Times

  Thanksgiving is drawing near and for many finding reasons to be thankful can be a bit challenging. In fact, trying to come up with just one noteworthy circumstance or event can even be a chore. It doesn’t help that many of us are feeling a loss of the initial heart and zeal that once shaped our spiritual lives. How do we manage when the passion that was constant and fervent becomes fleeting and flat…let alone be thankful? I’m not referring to the normal ebb and flow that is a natural part of the Christian walk but rather the darkened […]

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Remembering Seniors with a Crown of Splendor

Our elderly population, which often goes completely unnoticed, is among the least and lost of our society for which Christ teaches us to care. The Agency for Healthcare Administration in Florida reports there are 300 long-term care centers in Broward County with 13,000 residents. These senior citizens often spend their days isolated from the outside world and longing for fellowship. They are left to spend the finality of their years without family, friends or the love of a church. The sad truth reported by the National Care Planning Council is that out of 100 residents in nursing homes, one third […]

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Is Evolution Bad Science?

Evangelical Christians often look to the Bible to defend the creationist view against the theory of evolution; however, to engage in objective discussion with those whose approach is scientific and naturalistic, we must be able to speak their language. Therefore it is important to be able to debunk the evolutionary myth based on its faulty scientific approach. While there are many scientific arguments involving the age of the earth, the time frame of the beginning and the size of the universe, let’s take a look at the theory of evolution based on the validity of its science alone.   What […]

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The Freedom of Becoming a Realist

Life, suffering, and failure have a way of transforming you from an idealist to a realist — from thinking that you’re strong to reminding you that you’re weak. When I was 25, I believed I could change the world. At 42, I have come to the realization that I cannot change my wife, my church or my kids, to say nothing of the world. Try as I might, I have not been able to manufacture outcomes the way I thought I could, either in my own life or other people’s. Unfulfilled dreams, ongoing relational tension, the loss of friendships, a […]

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Jewish Evangelism: Defusing IEDs

Improvised explosive devices and evangelism? What’s the connection? Did you know certain words when used to evangelize a Jewish person can cause an IED reaction? We cannot ignore the hundreds of years of anti-Semitism sadly done by those who claimed to be Christians. Therefore, there are words or phrases that to a Jewish person are charged with emotion, causing an angry explosion. Instead of opening a door to share the love of Messiah, it is slammed in your face. At the heart “You’re trying to convert me,” may be the quick response, which translated means “trying to take my Jewish […]

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Surviving the Storms

One thing that I can assure all students as they start or continue their journey is that they will have problems. They may be Aphysical, but all of them will have problems. If so, where should the student turn during these times of trial? They must turn to the Scriptures, and particularly stories of the trials of others. The passage at the end of Mark 4, the story of a storm in the life of the disciples, is a valuable lesson for modern-day disciples who are engaging in ministry training. “As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let’s cross […]

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