Practical Application

Families Needed to Stand with Kids in Crisis

In the last 25 years, 4KIDS has been privileged to impact over 30,000 lives thanks to the way the Lord has moved and mobilized the body of Christ and so many in the communities we serve. When impact reaches such great heights, it can be easy to lose touch of the crisis at hand. There are too many children and families who are in crisis today, who are waiting for someone to help them. In many ways, the crisis is growing, strengthening and ever-changing.    Our community’s crisis Right now, in our immediate community of Broward and Palm Beach County, […]

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Professor Sets the Stage for a Struggling Student to Thrive

Quoting Galileo, the last line of Dr. Marsha Guntharp’s email signature declares, “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” To that, one recipient responded, “Well if that’s so, I’m afraid I’m illiterate.” Self-proclaimed math phobics are everywhere. It’s too bad they couldn’t have studied math under Marsha, or under a teacher whom Marsha had instructed. This veteran professor points to the learning process in infants as she explains an approach that can help students struggling in any field. “If you think about how babies learn to crawl, learn to walk, learn to talk,” she said, “they’re very […]

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Consider the Heavens

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4).   My love for astronomy originated from childhood when I spent many clear nights gazing up into the night sky and marveling at its vastness and beauty. I was (and still am) completely overwhelmed and humbled by our omnipotent Heavenly Father, whose incredible power brought the universe into being. Only a sovereign, mighty God can create such a masterpiece!   Vastness of […]

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Kick-Start a New Beginning

Let me be honest; I love to eat.  When I was growing up, my family enjoyed gathering around the table and sharing memories over great dishes. Our quality time at home largely consisted of cooking and eating together. Today, it brings me joy to be creative in the kitchen. Trying new recipes and going to new restaurants are some of my favorite pastimes. Even now, when my family travels across the United States and around the world, we can’t wait to try new types of cuisine available to us.    Fasting in the new year Due to this, the spiritual […]

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The Power of Self Control for 2023

Are you excited about the coming 2023 new year? Thousands and thousands of people will gather all around the world to celebrate this moment, whether in Sydney, Australia, or in New York at the New Year’s Eve Times Square countdown. This tradition has been around for as long as I can remember. Caught in the frame of our hearts and mind, it is almost like a Disney moment.  Self control for 2023 We wait so long for this one-minute countdown, and it goes by so quickly. People often go back to doing what they had been doing before, back to […]

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What is Faith and Vocation? A Theology of Work

Will you work in heaven? Day after day we clock in and out from work. But perhaps in the busyness of our days, we don’t tend to think of what our life with the Lord will look like when He returns. What will heaven be like? What will we spend eternity doing? Will we only be singing praises to God endlessly? Or will we be doing more? Will we work in heaven? Depending how we answer this question will determine how much we understand what “Faith and Vocation” truly is. So, before we look to the end and consummation of […]

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How to Lead Through a Recession

I recently met with a few leaders who, like myself, led organizations or ministries through the pandemic. We discussed how hard we had to push ourselves for over two years and how, even though most of our organizations performed well despite the crisis, the experience left many of us feeling burned out. Then, without taking a breath, we began talking about the oncoming recession.  As leaders, we don’t have the luxury of always anticipating good times; we have to continually be prepared for any possible tragedy. This is especially true when it comes to a recession; leaders must always be […]

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Be Prepared

The sign The greatest lesson that you will learn in life often occurs right before your eyes in real time. There are billboards and bulletin boards that points us to what we need to do and see. This is not an accident. Let me give you an example in real time that I am sure you can relate to. Notice the picture of the sign. This sign has been placed near my neighborhood in the same spot every year. What I want you to pay attention to is the part that says, “BE PREPARED!” This sign was design to alert […]

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