
Insights from Forrest Gump

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1). An Insight from Forrest Gump A quick scan of the internet will reveal that Americans spent close to $26 billion – that’s not a typo, $26 billion – on Valentine’s Day in 2023. Depending on who you read, the average American household spent between $100 and $200 each proclaiming our love to spouses and “significant others” last year. That’s quite an investment in love, yes?There’s a tremendous line in the 1994 movie “Forrest Gump” that surely resonates with all […]

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How to Spot Potential: The Art of Identifying Future Leaders

2024 — a new year with endless potential. As soon as January hits the scene, dormant goals and aspirations appear.  Beyond the potential to make wise health or financial choices, we have the opportunity as mentors, parents, and friends to call out the leadership potential in others. In 2024, it’s estimated more people from Gen Z will be working full-time than Boomers. With a new surge of young adults entering workplaces, we can be intentional about cultivating their gifts and talents.  I’m often asked, “How do you spot potential in someone who can become a great leader?” While there’s no […]

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Chaos, Conflict and the Hope of the Gospel

As we begin a new year, storm clouds continue to gather heavily around the world, even darkening our own doorsteps. As I write this, the conflict in Gaza is continuing, and the reverberations are felt across the globe. I was there just before Thanksgiving, and what I saw greatly moved and disturbed me. I visited several kibbutzim that Hamas terrorists had attacked on the morning of Oct. 7, killing men, women and children — even infants.  Chaos and Conflict I walked through some of the homes that had been burned and scarred with hundreds of bullets. I saw craters in […]

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AI and You: Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Theology

Envision a society where machines can think, evolve and adapt — a world where artificial intelligence (AI) not just enhances work and life but augments, transforms and controls our very existence. The future we imagined yesterday has arrived, and it carries with it a profound question and concern: Are you ready for advanced Artificial intelligence (AI), and perhaps more importantly, is AI ready for you? Today, AI development is progressing at a remarkable pace, with an array of prominent companies at the helm of innovation. These include household names like Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla and a host of […]

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Don’t Be Afraid!

“Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, ‘Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters — one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice […]

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New Year’s Solution

The late Walter Matthau acted in or produced 62 movies in his 45-year career. These included “A Face in the Crowd”, “Hello, Dolly”, “The Sunshine Boys” and “Fortune Cookie”, with which he won the Academy Award as Best Supporting Actor. A man of multiple talents, he is best known in his later years for work such as “Grumpy Old Men”, “The Odd Couple” and “Dennis the Menace”, in which he played a curmudgeonly, cantankerous, ill-tempered sourpuss. For many of us, the movie that encapsulated this carefully crafted persona was “The Bad News Bears”, where he became Morris Buttermaker, an alcoholic […]

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I have grown a deep fondness for words and their meaning. I have found that when I savor words and understand their context, their origin and their usage, the impact is thought provoking, moving and sometimes very revealing. I find the mystery can be worthwhile. Words make us laugh, cry, think, re-think, learn, become angry, grow and act. We must also be very careful with words. Sometimes what one person believes to be the meaning of a word can be very different for another person. Disagreements can erupt from the misuse or misunderstanding of words. Words can be used to […]

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Franklin Graham: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

The world is on edge. Following the slaughter of more than 1,400 Israelis—including women and children—by savage Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, the state of Israel launched retaliatory strikes across the Gaza Strip to destroy the entrenchments of militants who butchered unsuspecting civilians and carried off more than 200 hostages, including Americans and Brits. The conflict threatened to escalate, as the United States sent carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf and warned against intervention by Iran — who supplies arms to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. Peace of Jerusalem? It should come as no surprise that […]

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