

Several years ago, actually 15, the movie “UP” was released by Pixar. The entertaining story about an old man, a talking dog and a little stowaway boy, all floating around in a house tied to hundreds of balloons, takes you on an adventure filled with childlike wonder… sort of like life. One of the more comical elements of the story is the dog, aptly named DUG, who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.  However, DUG is often distracted by squirrels. We find him in mid-sentence when he will notice a squirrel, stop, gaze intently at the it […]

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A Journey from Skepticism to Faith

Last month, in honor of President’s Day, Dr. Stephen Mansfield, a New York Times best-selling author and Executive Director of the Center for Global Leadership at PBA, wrote an article titled “Abraham Lincoln and His Covenant with God” for the Institute of Faith and Culture. The piece explores the life of one of our nation’s most revered figures, his journey from skepticism to profound faith, and how his leadership — encompassed by his desire to follow the Lord — changed the course of history. The following article is a reminder of the immense responsibility of leaders like Lincoln, who lead with courage, faith […]

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Franklin Graham: Taking a Stand for Truth

Like most of you, I was stunned when the presidents of three of America’s leading universities — UPenn, Harvard and MIT — testified before a congressional committee investigating antisemitism on college campuses. On their campuses, raucous pro-Palestinian protestors chanted, “From the river to the sea,” effectively calling for the elimination of the Jewish state and the genocide of the Jewish people. When New York Rep. Elise Stefanik asked if “calling for the genocide of Jews” violated student codes of conduct, the presidents dodged the yes-or-no question and refused to take a position. Can you imagine? The leaders of some of […]

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Church United Embraces “The Missional Moment”

As a result of research, prayer and the movement of the Holy Spirit, we believe that we are at a pivotal moment in the life of the Church in South Florida. By all accounts, the next 30 years will represent the largest mission opportunity since the beginning of America, and our very own South Florida. While we are witnessing the largest and fastest numerical shift in religious affiliation in the history of our communities, we stand at one of the greatest moments for the Church – the people of God – to be agents of faith, hope and love to […]

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Healthy Leaders, Thriving Churches, Flourishing Cities

In the intricate tapestry that is a local church and ministry network, the well-being of its leaders is of paramount importance. These leaders are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of shepherding their congregations and organizations and serve as the backbone of any vibrant and thriving community. Investing in the holistic health and wholeness of these leaders has cascading positive effects on the leaders themselves, their families, the congregations and constituents they serve, and the overall witness and impact of the Christian community in the region. Health matters Lasting change, transformation, spiritual witness along with the transmission of faith to the […]

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Are You Carrying a Concealed Weapon?

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life.” “If you are going through hell, keep going.” “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.” The World War II Allied Forces were led by talented, experienced and war savvy military officers like MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton, Montgomery, Portal and De Gaulle, among others. In my estimation, however, the lynchpin of this massive war effort was the enigmatic statesman, soldier and strategist Winston Churchill, the originator of the above-mentioned quotes. An imperfect man, known for his drinking […]

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The Lord’s Providential Care for Us

An instructive biblical example of how the Lord uses and governs providential events to accomplish His will in our lives is found in 1 Kings chapters 1 and 2. Providential Care in Action A repentant David believed that it was God’s will to make Solomon the next king of Israel, yet in these chapters we see a plotting Adonijah maneuvering to install himself as the next ruler. The aging and ill David had not yet made it clear to the nation which of his sons he endorsed to follow him as king. Perhaps he too feared Adonijah, his son, or […]

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The Pattern of Prayer

Lord, teach us to pray. (Luke 11:1 NKJV) In our modern world we have tools at our disposal that our parents never dreamed of having. Take the navigation systems on our cars and smartphones. We simply type in the address of our destination, and it guides us there, telling us an estimated time of arrival. When the disciples asked our Lord to teach them to pray, they were asking for a route, a path that would lead them into the throne room of God’s presence in prayer. The Bible clearly lays out this route for us, and it begins when […]

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Dirty Truth

There is a favorite pastime (for some) that you can indulge in while visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The signs beckon you to pull over and take your chance. The family can be heard screaming in unison, “pull over, pull over, pull over” as the pressure mounts. You may think I am speaking of the obligatory Cracker Barrel stop, nope! Boiled peanuts? A western souvenir store featuring “Coonskin hats (short for racoon) worn by the famous Daniel Boone? The random “theme” park? Hardee’s? Could it really be that I am referring to the famous Billy Graham Library, […]

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Building Dreams: PBA’s Transformative Journey into the Future

At Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA), the 2024 spring semester is before us. Our halls are bustling with students, faculty and staff. Every day there are interesting, engaging campus activities — in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, we just celebrated 1,900 hours of volunteer work on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   God-Sized Dreams The semester also marks the start of construction projects under our God-Sized Dreams campaign. Just last month, we ceremoniously broke ground on the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Business Hall — a significant milestone and one of four major construction projects slated […]

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