The Scandal of Grace

I often hear the phrase: “Grace doesn’t mean you get to do what you want.” At first glance, who would disagree with this? I mean, we cannot just have people running around engaged in extramarital affairs, living it up at wild parties and quitting their jobs, can we? If grace means people can do what they want, what kind of world would this be and what would become of our churches? Christians would sleep in, not tithe, and skip small group! Total chaos would ensue! Grace defined But this line of reasoning exposes a negligent understanding of grace, and that’s […]

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You Don’t Know the Real Me

In the 1961 film, The Great Impostor, Tony Curtis plays a bright young man “who hasn’t the patience for the normal way of advancement.” Based on a true story, Curtis’ character finds that people rarely question you if your papers are in order. He becomes a marine, a monk, a surgeon onboard a Canadian Warship, and a prison warden. This scenario was lived out again by Barry Bremen, nicknamed, The Late Great Impostor; a novelty-goods salesman who achieved a kind of flash celebrity in the 1980s as an impostor who slipped past security to shag fly balls in the major […]

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Survey Says, Family Over Jesus

In a recent survey conducted by the Barna Group, 62 percent of women said their most important role in life is as a mother/parent. Jesus came next: 13 percent of Christian women believe their most important role in life is as a follower of Christ. Why does that shock us? After all, the Bible tells us who we are – selfish, self seeking and prone to wander. For me, this survey just serves to confirm what I know as a parent, and probably what you all know if you have children: I have put great stock in my “mom/parent” identity. Duh! […]

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Getting Too Close

As I sat by the pool during a recent sunny Saturday afternoon getaway, I noticed a young boy and his father playing the proverbial launch-me-into-the-deep-end game that resulted in the little guy exclaiming, “Do it again!” and, “Higher next time!” as he squealed with devilish delight. The father gladly complied, obviously enjoying his son’s pleasure. After a series of throws, the boy swam away from his dad. Immediately, the dad reached out, grabbed him and threw him up in the air with a smile, certain his son would love it. Well, not only did the son clearly dislike that spontaneous […]

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Where Injustice & Justice

I came to faith at age forty. I remember how I longed to experience everything my new Christian life had to offer. I knew God saved me for a purpose. I was not exactly sure what that purpose was, I just knew I was anxious to make my stand for Jesus. I labored to produce the good fruit that I knew would please God. I actually called my step-sister, the only Christian in my family at the time, and asked her if she would join me in evangelizing all of our family members over the course of a thirty-day period. […]

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Will Longer Skirts Protect Our Daughters?

Not too long ago the headlines read “Victoria’s Secret to Target Tweens.” There has been a wave of response to this story. The majority of folks have voiced protest over the controversial direction Victoria’s Secret is taking by targeting a younger demographic. We have seen this tactic used in countless campaigns including tobacco and movies. Reel in the younger audience and they are yours for life. It is effective. It works. I do not have a bone to pick with the marketing plan. It is simple and it makes money. Maybe I am a bit naive but I really do […]

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The Gospel > Complementarianism

If you are like me, you are probably wondering what in the world the word complementarianism means! If you looked for it in your Bible you would not find it. In fact, it is not in my dictionary or spell check. Many words we use today do not appear in the Bible and yet they do reflect truths and principles from the Bible. Male and female roles If I had to “label” my understanding of male and female as God created them I would say I am complementarian. But here is the deal. If you would have asked me about […]

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Good News for Hurting Moms

“It is with great pleasure and joy, that it is hereby declared, that you are the best mom in the whole entire history of the world. Happy Mother’s Day!” This is an extreme example of a Mother’s Day card gone terribly wrong. However, it is one of thousands of cards speaking to moms everywhere and assuring them they are the best. Peruse the drugstore and read the glowing and flattering phrases; “Thank you Mom, you are the best! You add love to everything you do! You are the greatest mom! You are unselfish, patient and gentle!” I am thankful for […]

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The Gospel Unchains Hearts

If we understand that the gospel frees us to love and to be spontaneous with our love, it begs the question; “What does the gospel in action look like?” What does a life set free by grace free us to do? In considering the implications of the gospel, we love the question; “What will you do now that you don’t have to do anything?” However, our relentless desire to perform creeps in and we ask; “Okay, now what? What must I be doing? What exactly does it look like to love this way?” A friend shared a recent experience she had with her […]

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Teaching Character

When it comes to parenting, an extreme focus on character education and training in our culture has seeped into the church and into Christianity at large. Mesmerized by good behavior, we have equated positive character traits with godliness. We are in shock by the degradation and immorality we see around us, and we believe we can fix the tidal wave of a culture gone mad. We truly believe we can turn it around with educational programs that teach good character and a standard of morality. However, in focusing on the traits rather than the Giver of them, we have placed […]

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