Consequences of Porn on Our Culture

A recent study by The Barna Group titled, “The Porn Phenomenon: A Comprehensive New Survey on Americans and Pornography” was released recently and it revealed what is stated to be a “cavalier” attitude towards pornography and pornography use particularly among teens and young adults.  I would not disagree with these findings based on my years of pastoral work and my marriage and family therapy work with couples and families.  We could argue all day about the merits and findings of such a study, who is to blame, etc. but I would rather think that in the end of those discussions, […]

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Holding A Mirror To Our Marriages

Recently a prominent church leader once again has had to resign due to infidelity. On June 21, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Pastor Tullian Tchividjian admitted to moral failure, acknowledging his actions disqualify him from continuing to serve as senior pastor or preach from the pulpit, and he resigned. People like to call it a moral failure. And then the commentators within the Body of Christ begin to write things for and against this leader and his choice. Now don’t get me wrong; I am not agreeing with nor endorsing sinful behavior such as adultery or any sinful behavior for that matter. […]

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Thinking Through “50 Shades of Grey”

In the very near future the movie “50 Shades of Grey” will be in the theaters. This movie is based on one of the leading best-selling books of all time by the same name. Termed “mommy porn” or “romance porn” by some in the church, the book is attacked as well as defended by Christian women. Many women I have spoken with defend the book and downplay its erotic BDSM sexuality and highlight the romance and love expressed in the story, while other women see it as another form of pornography. Is it pornography? Before we can go on, we […]

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