Faith Forum

A monthly forum to discuss government, issues, politics, and leadership.

Has God called you to run for public office? Manage a campaign? Hold elected officials accountable? Become an advocate on key issues; such as, marriage, taxes, abortion, immigration, pension reform, education, the environment, or whatever God’s placed on your heart? Learn how from experts at American Majority [AM]. Learn who AM is and about their New Leaders programs here:

AM trains conservatives like us to do 3 things: run for office- be a candidate with an emphasis on local office, manage a campaign or play a key role in one, and become an effective activist. Which role will you play? WHO will reach out to?

This Faith Forum will serve as a free introduction to the 2 day Campaign Seminar that we will host to be conducted by American Majority in June/July. The emphasis will be on activism and social media. Details coming soon.

April 8 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale.
