Unchained: Men Set Free

The Gathering Palm Beach will be holding its Unchained: Men Set Free at The Sanctuary, 401 Maplewood Drive, Suite 14, Jupiter on January 28 at 7 p.m.

This is what the UNchained: Men Set Free conference is all about. It’s a one-night event designed to deliver Good News to men who are exhausted, men who deal with guilt and shame and regret, men who have failed to “be all that they can be.” It is a night where men will be refreshingly reminded that God loves and uses broken men who fail because broken men who fail are all that there are. It is a night where men will hear again and again that, because of what Jesus has done for them, they already have all the love and acceptance and validation and worth and meaning and significance and security that they long for.

Tullian Tchividjian, Nate Larkin, and Samuel Downe will the featured guest speakers. Tickets cost $10.

To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unchained-men-set-free-tickets-231105281117

