Fall Kickoff 2023 Colors

Potential Church‍ 12401 Stirling Rd., Cooper City, FL, United States

Potential Church, 12401 Stirling Road, Cooper City will be holding its Fall Kickoff 2023 Event, Colors on September 9 and 10. This event will feature special guest speaker, celebrity photographer and artist, Jeremy Cowart. For more information, visit https://potentialchurch.com/upcoming-events/

Forged – Ignite Your Potential: A Powerful Men’s Night

Potential Church‍ 12401 Stirling Rd., Cooper City, FL, United States

Potential Church, 12401 Stirling Road, Cooper City will be holding its Forgeister, d - Ignite Your Potential: A Powerful Men's Night event on October 5 at 7 p.m. Experience the unyielding strength of Troy Gramling's visionary leadership and unleash one's untapped potential. Tickets cost $25 - $35. To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/forged-ignite-your-potential-a-powerful-mens-night-tickets-661224609607



Potential Church‍ 12401 Stirling Rd., Cooper City, FL, United States

Potential Church, 12401 Stirling Road, Cooper City will be holding its SHE event on October 6 at 7 p.m. SHE is a community of faith-based women who have the desire to commit to learning, celebrating, and connecting through Christ. The commitment and prayer is to see women at SHE connect to Jesus and one another through our triannual events and beyond. Tickets cost $10 - 35. To register, visit https://potentialchurch.com/she/


Trunk or Treat

Potential Church‍ 12401 Stirling Rd., Cooper City, FL, United States

Potential Church, 12401 Stirling Rd, Cooper City will be holding its Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Trunk-or-Treat is an outreach event where Potential Church staff and volunteers create a fun and safe alternative on Halloween. Dress up in favorite costumes, collect tons of candy and experience the love of the local Church! Registration is FREE! To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trunk-or-treat-2023-tickets-718689869747?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_source=Potential+Global&utm_campaign=962e82e039-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_9_7_2018_11_57_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_178951a24a-962e82e039-451719485&mc_cid=962e82e039&mc_eid=5906e8349f

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