Active Faith

Fruit of the Spirit in the Public School

In Galatians 5:22, Paul states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things there is no law.” Earlier, Jesus had said, “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit” (Matthew 12:33). Fruit of the Spirit’s Ideals As Christian educators, we should want to be known and remembered as good trees that produce good fruit. The spiritual nutrition that a “good fruit” can provide is immeasurable. Can our faith be exercised, and education exist in unison? […]

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Crumbs, Milk and Honey

There is a saying we have all heard: “Is the glass half full or half empty?” The beauty of that saying is that it hinges on perspective. The essence of the word picture is that a glass, filled halfway with water, can be perceived as almost full or almost empty. There are times in my life that I see things from both perspectives. Half empty triggers in me a sense of scarcity, implying that things will get progressively more challenging with less available resources. Half full triggers a sense of abundance, implying that things will get progressively better because resources […]

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God’s Glory or My Gain?

“Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name” (Isaiah 25:1). There are only two reasons to do anything in life. One is for personal gain and the other is for God’s glory. One is to serve the self and the other is to serve our Savior. One is to advance the cause of our little kingdom and the other is to advance the cause of the Kingdom of God. The Scriptures are full of examples of both, and it is always a good idea to inventory our hearts from time to time to see just […]

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50 Years Defending the Sanctity of Human Life

Broward Country Right to Life has been advocating for the sanctity of human life for more than 50 years! Founded shortly after the passage of Roe v. Wade by the late Dr. Matthew Bulfin, a gynecologist and pioneer in the pro-life movement, the organization has been led for the past 25 plus years by John Aman, president, and Tewannah Aman, executive director. Their mission is to promote the sanctity of human life through public witness, education, church engagement, community outreach and prayer. Defending Human Life for 50 Years However, it is this couple’s own personal testimony that is perhaps the […]

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Franklin Graham: Courts Are Crucial, but God Is Supreme

The 2024 elections are still more than a year away, but the historic Supreme Court decisions from this past June remind us just how far-reaching election results can be. In a landmark 6-3 decision, the justices ruled in favor of Colorado Christian graphic designer Lorie Smith, who did not want to use her design skills to promote same-sex weddings. This has struck a tremendous blow to the LGBTQ lobby, which seeks to force its immoral lifestyle on any who disagree, particularly, Bible-believing Christians who stand on God’s Word, which does not condone any form of homosexual or transgender behavior.  This […]

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Point University Equips the Next Generation On-Campus and Online

Point University is a private institution that educates students to impact culture for Christ. The University provides a broad, comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for their chosen professions, awarding associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Point is equipping the next generation to take their faith into the marketplace in new and culturally relevant ways — to erase the lines between who they are and what they do so that they see life and mission as one and the same.  About Point University Founded in 1937 as Atlanta Christian College, Point University originally devoted its attention to the education of ministers, […]

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For over 150 years, Milligan University has prepared men and women to be servant-leaders. Our focus on scholarship, community, and faith inspires students to make a difference. Nationally Recognized Academics U.S. News ranks Milligan among the top 12 regional universities in the South, and among the top two in value. Our business, education, engineering, and nursing programs, among others, are well respected and recognized. Connect the Classroom to the World Our professors design projects to address real issues. Engineering students purify water for rural communities. Chemistry and biology students improve antibiotics for cystic fibrosis patients. Ministry students visit innovative churches […]

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Your Work Matters to God

On September 4, Americans celebrate the federal holiday known as Labor Day. So I’d like to give you a word of eternal encouragement about your labor: No matter where you work and what you do, your work matters to God. First, we must remember that work is not a result of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Work was given to them before they sinned and rebelled against God. Work is one of God’s many good gifts to mankind. Theologians frequently refer to this as the Cultural Mandate or the Creation Mandate. “God created man […]

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PBA Equips Believers to Faithfully Defend the Gospel through Apologetics

Dr. Paul Gould was confronted with the truth of the gospel when he was just 18 years old, a freshman in college.   “Someone shared the gospel with me, and I realized that if what that person was saying was actually true, then I had missed the boat,” said Gould. “I had grown up in church, but I just didn’t have an understanding of the gospel, and I didn’t know Jesus personally.”    A faith journey This evangelistic encounter sent Gould on a journey as a freshman in college, and he began going to an apologetics class with a friend.  “I […]

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Covid and Christianity, What Happens Now?

The church in the words of C.S. Lewis, “…exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time.”  There is absolutely no doubt that the Church in our post-pandemic world has changed. Just ask any Christian how their faith has been impacted since the “pandemic” and you are likely to get an ear full. If you ask your local pastor the same question, they are apt to take you down a path of […]

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