
Judge hears first argument in HB2 court battle

(WNS)– North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” had its first day in court on Aug. 1, with a district judge considering whether to block its enforcement while courts determine its constitutionality. The law requires restroom and locker room facilities in schools and government buildings be accessed based on biology, rather than gender identity, and bars local governments from circumventing the rule. On Nov. 14, U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder will preside over a full trial for House Bill 2 (HB2) to establish its long-term viability. Today, Schroeder heard oral arguments for a preliminary injunction to halt the law’s enforcement. Transgender rights groups claim it poses an immediate threat and […]

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Close to 500,000 Christians Attend Together 2016 despite Overwhelming Heat

Together 2016 in Washington DC was an event to remember with as many as 500,000 Christians coming together for prayer and worship in the National Mall. Upon arrival, there was a line stretching well over half a mile full of believers waiting patiently to go through a government-enforced bag check. While walking past them, one could witness every kind of Christian: Protestants, Catholics, black, white, Asian, left-wing, right-wing, those preaching fire and brimstone, others handing out pamphlets about their sect; there were even a couple who were literally carrying crosses. The beautiful thing about it, though, was the fact that […]

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Massive Prayer and Worship Event Expected to Draw Huge Crowd to National Mall in July

  Crowds will gather in Washington, D.C. this summer. The sound will hit high volume. But this event won’t be a ball game, a superstar’s performance, a political protest, or a presidential debate. Those who travel to the nation’s capital won’t be there for pleasure or rebellion or politics. They will come together and pray. They are seeking to worship together. They are hoping to experience God’s love together. On July 16, in the National Mall of Washington, D.C., followers of Christ from around the world will meet for Together 2016. Their plans? To pray for a new revival to […]

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Before the ACLU Comes Knocking

In America, you should be free to disagree. But under a new form of tyranny, that is no longer the case. The left is saying in effect, “Do it our way or we’ll see you in court.” In the new America, the left is on its way to creating a climate where you have freedom — as long as you abide by the prevailing politically correct ethos. We are seeing this played out even in the matter of men getting legal permission to go to the ladies’ room. “These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine during […]

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Alternatives to the Two-Party Gridlock

  Recently, the Libertarian Party held its first nationally televised debate. Hosted by Fox Business commentator John Stossel, the two-part event was broadcast on most cable systems and the internet. A CNN poll in late March revealed that 39 percent of voters would consider a third party candidate if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the nominees of the two major parties. Only about 33 percent are comfortable with Trump as the Republican nominee. The most recent poll from the Associated Press reveals even more potential for a third party to gain momentum, as 20 percent of polled voters stated […]

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Governor Scott Signs Pastor Protection Act into Law

Churches, religious organizations and individuals may not be required to perform any marriages that would violate their conscience or be compelled to use church property for such ceremonies if they would violate their sincerely held religious beliefs now that Florida’s Pastor Protection Act has passed and been signed into law by Governor Rick Scott on March 10. The law also prohibits certain legal actions, penalties, or governmental sanctions against such individuals or entities. The move was made in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision of Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized same-sex marriages nationwide. Since the Supreme Court decision […]

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Is the Bible Like Asbestos in the Public School?

Jerry Newcombe Good News   It is amazing that people today want to treat anything from the Bible as if it’s asbestos (to borrow a line from Christian attorney Jordan Lorence) if it somehow shows up in a public school. Historically, it was the push to teach the Bible that gave birth to education for the masses in the first place. This was the forerunner to the public school. How ironic. A seemingly minor conflict in a small Texas public high school is symptomatic of a major conflict in society at large. Specifically, can cheerleaders in a public school adorn […]

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How Scalia Stood Strong for Decades

A great man has died, Antonin Scalia. Imagine his great homecoming to be with his Lord, whom he ultimately served. If there is not a royal battle over the appointment of his successor, then it would appear that the Republican Party has no pulse. Such a battle will be about what the future of America is to be – Constitution or no Constitution?   For the Constitution Appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, Scalia stood fully for the Constitution, including its original intent. Growing up in modern America, we assume that it’s just natural for the Supreme Court justices to […]

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In life and death, Scalia changed the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the leader of the court’s conservative wing and an intellectual powerhouse, died on Feb. 13 at age 79, sending shock waves through the legal and political spheres. Scalia was the longest serving member of the current court. He appeared to have died from natural causes at a West Texas resort, according to reports. “I don’t think there’s much doubt he was the dominant figure on the court,” said former Circuit Judge Michael McConnell, who had Scalia as a professor in law school and later argued at least eight cases before him at the Supreme Court. […]

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Study Reveals Changing Attitudes and Behaviors on Pornography—Especially Among Young Adults

The increasing impact and reach of pornography in the digital age cannot be overstated. In “The Porn Phenomenon: A Comprehensive New Survey on Americans and Pronography,” compiled by the Barna Group, the research reveals a younger and younger exposure to pornography, increased desensitization and an escalating usage of pornography. These results are particularly evident among teens and young adults and reach into the Christian church as well. Detailed survey findings of the study were announced at a news conference on January 19th; however, abbreviated highlights of the survey include the following: More than one quarter (27%) of young adults ages […]

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