40 Days of Prayer Encouraged to End Abortion

People in Broward and across the world will be praying for an end to abortion during a special 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting and community outreach, February 14 to March 25. It’s called 40 Days for Life, a peaceful, highly-focused, non-denominational initiative during which participants enlist God’s aid to end abortion through peaceful vigil outside abortion facilities, fasting, and by pro-life witness to their local community.

The local expressions of 40 Days for Life will feature prayer vigils in the public right-of-way outside Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center, 2001 West Oakland Park Blvd., and A Woman’s Center of Hollywood, 3829 Hollywood Boulevard.

Churches of many denominations will come together to plead the case of the innocent unborn children. Sidewalk counselors will be available to offer real solutions to the challenges driving parents to seek abortions. All prayer vigil participants are asked to sign a statement of peace, pledging to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner at all times.

“40 Days for Life has generated proven life-saving results since its beginning in 2004 in Bryan/College Station, Texas,” said Shawn Carney, president of 40 Days for Life. “During 21 previous coordinated campaigns, 741 communities have participated in this effort. More than 750,000 people – representing some 19,000 churches – have committed to pray and fast. And we know of at least 13,998 unborn children whose lives were spared from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns.” Over 90 abortion centers have closed down in the face of 40 Days for Life campaigns.

From February 14 to March 25, Christians in Broward will unite with many others from coast to coast – and internationally – for this major simultaneous pro-life mobilization. The Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood vigils will run 12 hours per day, seven days a week. Participants can sign up for one hour or for many. Faithful believers are praying that these efforts will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Broward and the nation.

Broward Right to Life is the sponsor of the Fort Lauderdale campaign and will hold a kickoff rally on Sunday, February 11 at 6 p.m. right next door to Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center. The venue is Buen Pastor Church, 1981 West Oakland Park Blvd. Interested parties can learn more about the 40 Days for Life campaign. Speakers and worship leaders will provide instruction and encouragement.

“We know that 40 Days for Life works,” said Tewannah Aman, Executive Director of Broward Right to Life. “We have seen many women choose life just because someone was there! Some were praying that God would stop them if abortion was not His will! And we were there.”

Tom Walker, Director of the Fort Lauderdale campaign added, “Our impact is not only on pregnant mothers and their babies. We also minister to the men and women who accompany them. Often they believe they are helping and we can educate them to the risks their friends are facing.”

For more information, contact Tom at 954-304-3278, or visit www.40daysforlife.com.

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