
I recall a recent Wednesday evening that turned out to be anything but mundane. After finishing a rather unremarkable dinner of soup and some fruit juice, I strolled into my master bedroom to wash up and crash out for the night.  To my dismay, however, I discovered that where dry carpeting should have been, an inch of water covered the floor of my bedroom, closet and master bath. And it was making its way into other parts of my home. My neighbor’s water heater had burst. Along with its demise came the unrelenting onslaught of more water than I care […]

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Reading the Bible for all its worth

I have been a bookworm for almost as long as I can remember. Rarely have I met a good book that I didn’t want to read. I’ve enjoyed everything from pondering the writings of great theologians and thinkers to perusing something as mundane as the sports page. As time has crept by, however, I find that I enjoy nothing more than reading and meditating on God’s written word, the Bible. Why? I could write a separate, full-length article to answer that question. But here are just a few personal reasons. One, I want to know God’s heart more and more, […]

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Faith during the tough times

There are times when my faith in God feels stronger than ever. God is moving, prayers are being answered, and lives are being changed because of the power and love of Christ. But there are other times when God stretches my faith. Like me, you may have asked the question, why does God allow evil things to happen? If you have, you are in good company. The prophet Habakkuk wrestled with this very question, too. Like Habakkuk, I’ve discovered that it’s not so much my immediate circumstances that God uses to grow my faith, but rather my questions about what […]

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I, Myself

Of all the subjects I have written about in this column, this month’s subject is perhaps the most thought – provoking and sobering. For some time, I have desired to write about the attribute of Christ-like humility. But I, at least, do not feel equipped to write about such an attribute since those who possess it to a depth much greater than I do, and who would hesitate to acknowledge that they even have it, could pen more graceful words about it than I could. I’ll therefore content myself to consider another attribute we find discussed frequently in Scripture, though […]

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Staying the course

I can vividly recall my childhood days of traveling to Disney World in Orlando. My brothers and I could hardly sleep the night before. We would awake the next morning with an excitement we could barely contain for we knew that in just a few hours we would be in Disney, that children’s fantasy land of cartoon adventures and discovery. On the way there, about every 15 minutes or so, I would ask the age-old question that every impatient child asks, “Are we there yet?” My dad’s stoic and patient response was, of course, “Not yet, but soon.” Such childhood […]

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Second Chances

Though it’s tiny in comparison to its counterparts, the Book of Haggai packs a powerful punch by delivering a timeless message of hope in God. If you have ever felt as though you were beyond the reach of God’s grace and mercy because of a wrong decision you had made, hope remains! In the book of Haggai we discover that God desires to work in and through our circumstances, no matter how desperate we are, if we will but turn to Him and repent. The Book of Haggai illustrates the twin realities of God’s holiness and His faithfulness to us […]

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The testing of your faith produces PERSEVERANCE

There is nothing like a difficult circumstance to test our resolve to trust in God. Yet, some of the most perplexing circumstances we face are often orchestrated by God for this very purpose. Being faced with the unknown often tests our faith and drives us into a deeper trust in Him. I can vividly recall many nights when, before my head hit the pillow, I would wonder what the Lord was up to in my life. It takes only the first delayed answer to a prayer for us to realize that God’s plans and purposes are sometimes quite different than […]

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Lessons from Hurricane Season

When Hurricane Wilma struck South Florida a few years back, one of the first things it affected was electrical power. I can vividly recall tracking the storm’s progress on one of the local News stations that day when, without warning, my power went “south,” not to return again until a few weeks later. During the evening hours, I needed a light source to illuminate my way through my house. With my hurricane supplies at the ready, I grabbed the closest flashlight to light my way. If light is a basic need for people everywhere, how much more important is it […]

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