Glorifying God with Laughter

After a history of abuse and overcoming homosexual tendencies by finding a relationship with God, Christine Sneeringer managed to find a way not only to smile again but to laugh. Today Sneeringer runs an interdenominational Christian parachurch ministry in South Florida called Worthy Creations and performs stand-up comedy. Glorifying God through humor, Sneeringer does so by sharing her testimony, establishing the fact that she used to be a lesbian and then joking about her gender insecurities and dating life. “My comedy is so new that I’m still figuring it out,” said Sneeringer. “But there is a ministry aspect to my […]

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Spirituality vs. Christianity

“I’m not Buddhist, I’m not Hindu, I’m not Christian, but I still feel like I have a deep connection with God. I pray all the time—for self-control, for humility,” pop culture icon Katy Perry tells Marie Claire. Though Katy Perry has only one voice, her opinion speaks volumes about the spiritual-but-not-religious trend that is taking place in this day and age. According to a Pew report, almost 1 in 5 Americans identify themselves as “spiritual, but not religious.” These people were identified as having a connection to God but not with any form of institution. As Christians, we certainly believe […]

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Make Your Dollars Count: 2nd Vote

You may not be aware of it, but you vote every day. With each dollar, you decide one product, one company, one store, and, now—in the age of extreme partisanship—one belief over another. Whether it’s a monetary donation to a cause the company believes in or a biased selection in the employees they hire, companies have become quite partisan in their political beliefs. Now, thanks to executive director of 2nd Vote, Chris Walker, you can find out the true political leanings of companies and take responsibility in what issues your money supports. The Apple, Android, Kindle, and web application called […]

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Never Stop Learning

With the rising cost of tuition, books and living expenses, going back to college is no easy feat. However, with the advent of technology and the expansion of cheaper alternatives, finding a way to learn has never been easier. Foreign language In this day and age, neither classroom experience nor Rosetta Stone is your only way to learn a new language. Languages can be learned virtually through programs such as Pimsleur, Fluenz, Berlitz and DuoLingo (free!). Additionally, you can supplement your education by watching, listening to, and reading foreign television shows, movies, music and literature (all of which can be […]

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Christmas Traditions from Around the World

To celebrate Christmas in America, we cut down pine trees and firs, decorate our homes with colorful lights and red ribbons, and exchange carefully wrapped gifts among friends and family. Although Christmas is a trademark holiday for Americans, countries all around the world celebrate Christmas and have traditions of their own. From roller skating to church to oscillating back and forth on a swing set, people all around the world have embraced the spirit of Christmas and made traditions and customs of their own. Read on to discover some unique holiday customs practiced around the globe. China Though a Communist […]

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Is College Worth It?

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, 40 percent of collegiate students never graduate. If they graduate, 13.5 will not be able to find work. If they manage to graduate and find work, 44 percent will work jobs that do not require college degrees. Nevertheless, even if they graduate, escape unemployment, and find meaningful jobs, then they will most likely be paying off debt (the average student accrues $35,000 in college-related debt, according to CNN Money). After factoring the rising cost of college tuition and the dismal future of the economy, many are understandably left wondering what the value of a college diploma […]

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College Survival Guide

College can be a fun, exciting, and adventurous time; however, it can also have its scary moments as well. You will inevitably get lost around campus, be unprepared for a pop quiz, and have issues with your roommate – but it doesn’t have to always be that way. Here are a few tips to help you get your college journey started on the right track. Network Even before you start classes, try to find someone you know that is older and also attends your college. A mentor is a priceless thing to have – they can inform you on what […]

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The Glass Ceiling Effect

If a man and a woman, both one-year post college graduation with the same degree, work the same job, for the same number of hours, they should both be earning the same salary, correct? Actually, according to the American Association of University Women (AAUW), which analyzed data from a Department of Education survey of 15,000 graduates, this is not the case. The men earned an average of 7 percent more than women did. While CNN Money reported that this gender gap could be attributed to the fact that women are not likely to negotiate as much as men do, the […]

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Summer Reading Guide

Summer time is here. No more waking up at 6 a.m. to make the kids lunches or driving back to school at 2:30 p.m. to pick them up. It is time to sit back, relax and crack open a good book. Do not know where to start? We have you covered! 1. Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine Max Lucado provides an entirely different perspective on the hackneyed five-letter word, grace. Do you really know what it is? If not, then by the end of Lucado’s book, you sure will. Lucado uses biblical stories and modern-day accounts […]

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The Modern Knight’s Code of Chivalry

As a child I was exposed to Disney princess movies, toys and coloring books. My friends and I learned to expect boys to leap off their white horses, draw their swords and prepare to defend our honors at a moment’s notice. However, as we grew up, it became clear we had been disillusioned. With age, the image of the valiant knight gave way to the sex-crazed savage portrayed in today’s modern commercials, TV shows and movies, and just like that – we all gave up on our hopes of finding a real-life Prince Charming. There were no longer dreams of […]

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