God will part the Red Seas in your life

Let’s take a moment together to examine one of the most instructive and inspiring verses in all of sacred Scripture: “Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (Exodus 14:13). Having been freed from more than 400 years of bondage in Egypt, the Israelites find themselves seemingly trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army. Their fear is great, their cry is loud and their hope is lost. Until God shows up! God parts the Red Sea! The Israelites did not find themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s approaching chariots and the Red Sea because Moses made a wrong […]

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Power talk!

Before God called me into Life, I spent more than two decades training athletes and working as an exercise physiologist. A considerable portion of that time included studying and applying mental preparation strategies to help create peak performance states. That study included the area of self or “power” talk. Power talk includes “trigger phrases” such as “I can do it,” “Be the ball,” and “Focus, focus, focus.” It also uses mood words like “drive,” “explode” and “hustle.” When said with appropriate emphasis, these terms tend to generate a positive emotional and physiological response. Examples of power talk If you spend […]

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How different do you want 2010 to be?

Michael Buffer may be the most well known ring announcer in history for his booming cry at the beginning of boxing matches: “Ladies and gentlemen, l-l-lets get ready to rumbl-l-le!” Dozens of sports franchises have invited Mr. Buffer to utter his trademarked call before a game, to fire up the home fans. We’ll come back to rumbling in a moment. As we embark on yet another year of life given us by the hand of our loving Lord, let me ask you two questions: In looking back over the past year, how did you do? In looking forward into the […]

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The two greatest stories ever told!

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how your stories are intertwined with Jesus’) If you are a regular reader of the Good News in South Florida you are probably familiar with The Greatest Story Ever Told.  If you are not, let me encourage you to read through the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  The Greatest Story Ever Told is the divine revelation of Jesus Christ set forth in sacred Scripture from His arrival as a baby in a manger to His ascension back into heaven as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  In fact, […]

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People all over the United States will gather on Thanksgiving Day with family and friends for a feast of food, fun, fellowship … and perhaps a little football. This legacy of Thanksgiving goes all the way back to the 1600s. Whether it was the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians who shared the first Thanksgiving celebration or the British colonists in Berkeley Plantation, Va., the legacy of giving thanks to God has survived the centuries. It is said of the British settlers that Captain John Woodlief knelt in prayer and proclaimed “thanksgiving” to Almighty God for their arrival after a […]

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The One Thing

The message this month is explosive. When understood and applied, it has the potential of blowing the lid off any level of living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. So, what is this month’s message? I’m glad you asked. It is found in three simple, yet profound words: TODAY, NOT TOMORROW! A few months ago I taught a Sunday school lesson with the title, “The one thing no Christian has ever done!”  Of course, the title was intended to peak the interest of all those in attendance, and it did. They were excited to hear some deep Scriptural secret about […]

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Slow and steady wins the race?

Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? This fable is attributed to Aesop and is about a race between a rabbit and a turtle. One day, the turtle was slowly walking down the road when he came upon a rabbit. The rabbit began to mock and laugh at the slow moving turtle. The turtle responded by challenging the rabbit to a race. The rabbit could not believe the turtle would do such a foolish thing and accepted the challenge. It wasn’t long after the race started that the rabbit was far down the road and way […]

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The superpower of Spider-Saints

First appearing in the early 1960’s in the Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is one of the most popular fictional superheroes of all time. His unique skill of shooting spider webs gave him the ability to attach himself to buildings and structures. This enabled him to move great distances at tremendous speeds, clinging from wall to wall as he fought his many foes. The recent popularity of a series of Spider-Man films reminded me of a story I once heard about an encounter Robert the Bruce had with a spider. Along Came a Spider As the story goes, Robert the Bruce, the […]

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