Spiritual Snobs

(Scroll down to leave a comment on what makes a spiritual snob) Spiritual snobs are everywhere.  Have you seen any lately?  Do you know what a spiritual snob looks like?  At times, you may see one looking at you in the mirror! What makes a spiritual snob? We are all spiritual snobs by nature; it’s woven deep into our sinful DNA. We like to judge others on everything from lifestyle to looks . . . money to Life . . . personality to profession. We spend far too much time searching for and speaking about the speck in the eye […]

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It’s Not About Being Good

Far too many in the church today believe Jesus saved them to make them “good”. They’re missing altogether the deeper message of our salvation.  They have reduced the Bible to a book of rules and shrunk their faith to a “things-to-do” list.  For those who may be trapped in this gross misunderstanding of the Christian faith, let me say this, “Jesus did not save you to make you good; He saved you to make you His!” And out of the Gospel-truth of being His, good behavior and good works naturally flow! Titus 2:14 states that Jesus “gave himself for us […]

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The Blinding of Believers

The devil is on the prowl for unbelievers; he is busily engaged in keeping them in utter darkness. 2 Corinthians 4:4 states, “The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Satan is on the prowl for the believers too! Scripture is bookended by admonitions to be on guard against our cunning and terrible adversary.  God cautioned Cain, “Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it” (Genesis […]

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Dependent Independence

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how much you are dependent on God) This month in America we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. July 4th is a legal holiday celebrating the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence of the Colonists from the authority of the British Crown. As important as this day is in the life of our great nation for independence, it is critical that we never forget to declare our dependence upon God. Sadly, Adam and Eve forgot this truth and sent the entire cosmos into a downward spiral of depravity, […]

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Faith and the Functional Atheist

At first glance, faith in Jesus Christ and the beliefs of the functional atheist seem as far apart as the east is from the west. But upon closer inspection, we see that everyone who professes faith in Christ does, at times, live like a functional atheist. A functional atheist is someone who professes faith in Christ, but behaves as if He doesn’t exist. They don’t say, “There is no God,” but rather they deny the existence of God in their lives by the way they are living at a particular time. The functional atheist has decided to live apart from […]

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The Impotence of Personal Power

There was a season in my life when I was immersed in the field of personal development. I was a serious student of some of the most popular and sought after self-help teachers in the world. I studied the stuff; I taught it; I believed it! I had amassed a sizeable library of audio and print resources, not to mention a plethora of motivational posters, paper weights and desk-top pictures. (I probably still have a few coffee cups left over from those days!) Then Jesus showed up and taught me that I was trusting in a faulty power source. Colossians […]

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There’s More to Life than Increasing Its Speed!

“There’s more to life,” Mahatma Gandhi once said, “than increasing its speed.”  That one statement has done a lot to help keep my priorities straight. There was a time when I found my identity in the pace of my performance.  I figured if a fast pace was good…ramming speed was better.  It was better for one thing and that was driving me to continue doubting, denying and dodging God’s love for me while I was doubling my efforts.    When I am challenged my default mode is to speed up.  And in my frantic pace, my grumbling and complaining was no […]

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What Kind Of God Do They Think You Serve?

Henry Drummond once remarked, “How many prodigals are kept out of the kingdom of God by the unlovely characters of those who profess to be inside!” To be sure, the statement is not theologically precise, but the point rings out loud and clear. The way we live our lives, our behaviors, our language, our kindness, our patience, our forgiveness, our acceptance, our critical spirit and so much more, paints a portrait of the God whom we profess to have faith in, to love, and to serve. So based on the confession of your life today, what kind of God do […]

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Are you still hiding behind fig leaves?

(Scroll down to leave a comment on the gospel has freed you from your fig leaves.) We are heading into the second month of a New Year.  How are you doing?  Are you on track or off track in the pursuit of all that God is calling you to this year?  One of the great stumbling blocks to living the life God has called us to live is our tendency to continue hiding behind fig leaves.  Let’s take a look. Go back with me to the Garden of Eden, and with the eyes of faith, picture our first two parents […]

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In the beginning

There is nothing like new beginnings.  A new job.  A new address.  A new friendship.  A new possibility.  A new opportunity.  A new vision.  A new goal.  A new year.  And that is exactly where this month’s message finds each one of us: Standing at the threshold of yet another new year.  An old year has run its course and a brand new year is calling us forward.  Are you ready to make this year your best year ever? For far too many, disappointments from the past year carry over into the new year, casting a shadow over all that […]

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