Educating the Whole Person

Now more than ever, students are looking for whole-person education with an ethical, Christian perspective. Professor Gregory Rummo, Lecturer of Chemistry at Palm Beach Atlantic (PBA) University, wrote about the value of Christian higher education in his essay below.    College Is Not a Waste of Money, Time or Talent   College was the best four years of my life. I looked up to my professors as if they were sages on stages. For three of those four years, I worked for the university as a teaching assistant and laboratory technician in the chemistry department. The faculty made me feel […]

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PBA Equips Believers to Faithfully Defend the Gospel through Apologetics

Dr. Paul Gould was confronted with the truth of the gospel when he was just 18 years old, a freshman in college.   “Someone shared the gospel with me, and I realized that if what that person was saying was actually true, then I had missed the boat,” said Gould. “I had grown up in church, but I just didn’t have an understanding of the gospel, and I didn’t know Jesus personally.”    A faith journey This evangelistic encounter sent Gould on a journey as a freshman in college, and he began going to an apologetics class with a friend.  “I […]

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Uniting Faith and Pharmacy: Students’ Journey of Service in Honduras

One sunny morning in the middle of May, a Honduran woman walked into an eyeglass clinic set up by Palm Beach Atlantic (PBA) University’s Gregory Center for Medical Missions. She was browsing the options and stumbled upon a pair that she adored, but to her dismay, her vision was still blurry after trying them on – the prescription was not strong enough; she reluctantly settled for a different option that worked for her eyesight.  A woman working with PBA rummaged through the eyeglass suitcase one more time in a last-ditch effort to find the pair she liked. Sure enough, to […]

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PBA Earns Prestigious AACSB Accreditation, Creating Even More Opportunities for Students

Sam Lenes always wanted to be an entrepreneur, and Palm Beach Atlantic University, or more specifically the Rinker School of Business, was just the place for him to pursue his dreams. “Most of my professors were people who were out in the field for the first 15-20 years of their career, getting real world, real business experience,” said Lenes, the 2023 graduate who was a finance and marketing double major. “They were wonderful, and I was finally learning about subjects that I cared about.”  Lenes was able to use the knowledge he gained from the Rinker School of Business and […]

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PA Program to Launch Mobile Medical Clinics

The director of Palm Beach Atlantic’s new Physician Associate (PA) program envisions mobile medical clinics heading out from the University to underserved areas throughout the county. Dr. Phil Tobin came to PBA in July 2021 to develop and direct a PA program, after having directed programs at Mercer University and Touro University in Nevada. From Touro, he sent PA teams out in three mobile units serving the homeless throughout the Las Vegas Valley.   Serving the community At PBA Tobin plans a community medicine requirement for PA students, where they will serve not only through a mobile unit, but also […]

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Students Learn a Financial Goal Without an Action Plan ‘Is Just a Wish’

These are exciting times at Palm Beach Atlantic University, as we review architects’ plans for the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Business Building. Our excitement rises even higher when we consider how the new building will allow us to expand impactful business programs and courses taught by engaging professors such as Barbara VanderWerf. “Professor VanderWerf is one of my favorites,” said finance major Emily Kintz. “I just really love her teaching style. She’s very focused on making connections with each student individually.” Emily, a senior, had enjoyed several courses under Barbara, who is assistant professor of management. Now, in her […]

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Students ‘Pouring into Others’ Can Impact Whole Families

Imagine yourself in the evening setting pictured here. The moonlight paints a glowing stream across the Intracoastal Waterway; you feel a gentle breeze, but more than that, you sense the touch of God’s Spirit. As the praise music fades, you join your friends in silent prayer. Master of Divinity student Isaac Sherry expressed it this way:“Worshiping God in an environment that’s so beautiful, you look up and see the stars. You think, ‘Wow, God! You really are so good. You made all this, and you still love us. Like, that’s wild.’” Believers of all kinds enjoy that precious service of […]

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Fulbright Winner, Back in Uzbekistan, Recalls the Huge Impact of Scholarships

The Women of Distinction gala luncheon comes but once a year, supporting a Palm Beach Atlantic University scholarship. But daily at the university, we see the fruit of such scholarships in the terrific impact PBA students and graduates are having in their communities and across the globe. From Uzbekistan, via Skype, Chanel Nassir recently talked about receiving the Women of Distinction Scholarship, finishing her degree in international business and taking on an English teaching assistantship under the Fulbright Program. The bright faces in the photo give you a clue about how well she is doing in Uzbekistan. That’s Chanel at […]

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Professor Sets the Stage for a Struggling Student to Thrive

Quoting Galileo, the last line of Dr. Marsha Guntharp’s email signature declares, “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” To that, one recipient responded, “Well if that’s so, I’m afraid I’m illiterate.” Self-proclaimed math phobics are everywhere. It’s too bad they couldn’t have studied math under Marsha, or under a teacher whom Marsha had instructed. This veteran professor points to the learning process in infants as she explains an approach that can help students struggling in any field. “If you think about how babies learn to crawl, learn to walk, learn to talk,” she said, “they’re very […]

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Accident Victim Chooses Forgiveness over Bitterness

At Palm Beach Atlantic University, often the tables are turned as we educators learn from our students and alumni. On the Monday before Thanksgiving, we honored alumnus Carter Viss, who by his actions has taught us much about perseverance, forgiveness and letting God bring good out of tragedy. On Thanksgiving Day 2019, Carter was snorkeling near The Breakers resort on Palm Beach when a boat bore down on him. Its three propellers sliced into all four of his limbs, and Carter saw his severed right arm fall onto the reef below. He would have drowned, bled to death or died […]

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