University And Local Business Partnerships Bring Great Results

At Palm Beach Atlantic University, as we’re getting ready to announce some exciting plans for our Rinker School of Business, we’ve been thinking much about the powerful results that come when a university collaborates with local businesses. Local Businesses and PBA You might consider the practicalities of the business world as far removed from the “ivory tower of academia.” But that tower is an unfortunate image, and the phrase certainly doesn’t describe what’s happening at PBA. Sure, we’re serious about rigorous academics, but we don’t climb up into a tower of privileged seclusion. Instead, we belong to an ever-growing learning […]

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Apologetics Conference and New Degree

In his book-filled office at Palm Beach Atlantic University, Dr. Brandon Rickabaugh uses an expanding plastic sphere as he describes neural networks connecting in the brain. While Brandon speaks, an icon of Jesus Christ reflects the light on the bookcase behind him. It’s a juxtaposition quite natural to Brandon and to the others scheduled to speak in a PBA apologetics conference Oct. 28-29. These scholars find harmony, not conflict, as they consider the Christian faith in light of the sciences. “All of the evidence from philosophy, neuroscience, computer science and psychology gives us reason to believe that the soul exists,” […]

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Pharmacy Students Loved Serving People of Honduras

Five hundred fifty patients served; 1,500 prescriptions filled; all in five days. Sounds exhausting. “Oh yeah,” said pharmacy student Tara McIntosh, recalling the Gregory Center for Medical Missions trip to Honduras in June. At day’s end, after dinner, a shower, devotions and debriefing, “that’s when you start to feel exhausted,” she said. “But not during the day, because the patients were so thankful and grateful, and praying for you while you’re praying for them. It felt like something I enjoy doing, all day, every day.” Tara and four other students from the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy worked under […]

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Reflections on the Meaning of Independence Day

(Scroll down to leave a comment on what Independence Day means to you.) At Palm Beach Atlantic University we’re blessed to have faculty with top-notch academic credentials, practical experience and unwavering dedication to Jesus Christ. Dr. James Todd, associate professor of politics, teaches on American government and politics, constitutional law and political science research methods, among other subjects. He earned his J.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Alabama and spent 10 years in law practice. James regularly gives public talks about the Constitution and the Supreme Court, and he graciously agreed to write this month’s column in celebration of […]

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NCAA Student Leader Sees ‘Way Too Much Pressure’ on Young Athletes

With summer sports camps now in full gear across our communities, we need to talk about a painful subject. And on this subject, Palm Beach Atlantic soccer player Michaela Boyd has insight for parents that could prove lifesaving.  At least three NCAA athletes died by suicide in less than two months this past spring, according to news reports. That breaks Michaela’s heart. And she knows from experience how mental health crises in college athletics can develop from attitudes found in organized sports for children. Michaela began competing at a young age, and she sees great benefits in team sports. “It […]

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Unique “Lift Every Voice” Partnership Opens Program for M.Div.

As much as I appreciate our talented faculty and staff, at Palm Beach Atlantic University we’re all about students, so I must share the excitement we’ve heard from students regarding our historic partnership with Florida Memorial University.  Students in the FMU Chorale expressed this excitement richly when they came to PBA on Feb. 28. It was the concluding day of Black History Month, a fitting time to celebrate the new collaboration between Palm Beach Atlantic and the only historically-Black university in South Florida.  Lift Every Voice! The singers brought us to our feet with a triumphant rendition of “Lift Every […]

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Students Experience A Deeper Level of Learning as They Study And Depict Stories of Redemption

Barefoot, hooded and clad in black, dancers from Palm Beach Atlantic University glided across the stage to open the true story of Rabeka, a South Sudanese woman who made vibrantly embroidered bedsheets to sell in her village market. A tragic shadow fell over the rich colors of Rabeka’s work as background music faded and the dancers depicted what happened when soldiers ravaged the village. “The women gathered as much as they could carry in a sheet and ran for their lives,” explained a narrator. “Rabeka was running with her bedsheet and her children when a soldier stopped her, grabbed one […]

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Faculty and Students Blend Faith with Inquiry at Research Conference

As I prepare to join Palm Beach Atlantic University faculty and students at our annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, I’m thankful that I lead a team of Christian educators who get excited about research. But sadly, some Christians are threatened by earnest, scholarly inquiry. For example, we hear of promising youngsters who avoid the sciences, fearful they’ll find something that challenges their faith. Such students would do well to sit in on a chemistry class taught by Dr. Vivian Fernand Narcisse.  Research and Faith “I work with my faith hand-in-hand with my research,” said Vivian. “I don’t see it as separate.” […]

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Camp Provides Fun, Friendship and Caring Community

For those of you, like me, who cherish memories from a Christian summer camp, I invite you to imagine what it takes to provide youngsters that exuberant, life-changing experience. Consider, for example, what you’ll find at Camp Canaan in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  On the front lines, look for attentive, patient, fun-loving camp counselors like Palm Beach Atlantic University senior Brenna Brown, who loves romping through a mud-fest with a passel of screaming teens. Brenna at Camp Canaan “I just fell in love with Camp Canaan,” said Brenna. “There’s so much passion there, passion in teaching about God and passion […]

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