Nests In Your Hair

Over the past few weeks, we have been reminded of the consequences of sin. We can easily become discouraged or disillusioned when we hear of men and women seduced by sin. One of the ripple effects is that we find ourselves examining our own hearts and actions. My grandmother used to have a saying, “You can’t keep birds from flying over your head, but you can certainly keep them from making nests in your hair.” The imagery was a warning of how sin creeps into our lives. May I illustrate this by telling a story of a friend?   My […]

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The Houseguest

I came across this story that got me thinking… A mysterious letter A small family, known as the Harts, living in an average suburban community, received an unusual letter from an unknown distant relative. The letter stated that within the next several weeks they were planning to visit and were appreciative (nice way of saying expectant) of their willingness to provide accommodations. There was no contact information, only a black and white photograph with the grainy picture of an old man. You can only imagine their apprehension, confusion and curiosity. The Harts were a young couple, married less than ten […]

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My Echo Chamber

One of my favorite scenes from the hit movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” which debuted in the year 2000, is when the Grinch speaks with his echo. The scene opens with the Grinch speaking to his dog Max and reassuring himself that he is just fine being alone with his thoughts and doesn’t need anyone. He then proceeds to speak with his echo.   Grinch: How are you? Echo: How are you, are you, you, you? Grinch: I asked you first! Echo: I asked you first, you first, first, first! Grinch: [sarcastically] Oh right, that’s really mature, saying exactly […]

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Several years ago, actually 15, the movie “UP” was released by Pixar. The entertaining story about an old man, a talking dog and a little stowaway boy, all floating around in a house tied to hundreds of balloons, takes you on an adventure filled with childlike wonder… sort of like life. One of the more comical elements of the story is the dog, aptly named DUG, who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.  However, DUG is often distracted by squirrels. We find him in mid-sentence when he will notice a squirrel, stop, gaze intently at the it […]

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Dirty Truth

There is a favorite pastime (for some) that you can indulge in while visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The signs beckon you to pull over and take your chance. The family can be heard screaming in unison, “pull over, pull over, pull over” as the pressure mounts. You may think I am speaking of the obligatory Cracker Barrel stop, nope! Boiled peanuts? A western souvenir store featuring “Coonskin hats (short for racoon) worn by the famous Daniel Boone? The random “theme” park? Hardee’s? Could it really be that I am referring to the famous Billy Graham Library, […]

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I have grown a deep fondness for words and their meaning. I have found that when I savor words and understand their context, their origin and their usage, the impact is thought provoking, moving and sometimes very revealing. I find the mystery can be worthwhile. Words make us laugh, cry, think, re-think, learn, become angry, grow and act. We must also be very careful with words. Sometimes what one person believes to be the meaning of a word can be very different for another person. Disagreements can erupt from the misuse or misunderstanding of words. Words can be used to […]

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I often have regrets after Christmas. I regret spending too much time on the unimportant. I regret cutting a conversation short because I became bored with it and wanted to move on to something else. I regret times when I was more concerned about my diet than indulging in someone’s baked cookies begging me to simply “try one.” I regret worrying about the next year while not enjoying the moment. I regret not saying “thank you” enough. I regret seeing the next item on my calendar as a duty and dread rather than a God-given opportunity. I regret the momentary […]

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Imagine with me that you are experiencing some type of chronic pain.  The pain is excruciating and without cure. The pain has affected every aspect of your life. You are no longer able to work except in some very limited capacity, and your dream job is gone.  The pain has affected every relationship you have, including your marriage and family.  You are unable to embrace your loved ones and feel their touch.  Loneliness has become your constant companion.   Grateforgetfulness in action Your loved ones and best friends make every effort to live up to the expectations you have of them, […]

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Crumbs, Milk and Honey

There is a saying we have all heard: “Is the glass half full or half empty?” The beauty of that saying is that it hinges on perspective. The essence of the word picture is that a glass, filled halfway with water, can be perceived as almost full or almost empty. There are times in my life that I see things from both perspectives. Half empty triggers in me a sense of scarcity, implying that things will get progressively more challenging with less available resources. Half full triggers a sense of abundance, implying that things will get progressively better because resources […]

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We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Box

Box of mystery Years ago, when our children were younger, we used to schedule “mystery family vacations.” The idea was a brilliant one, I might add. The concept was simple. Lisa and I would devise a fun family vacation but keep it a secret. We would simply share with our children the date of departure, the date of return and provide them a packing list, inserted with a few decoys to throw them off. The first year our children complained that we were terrible parents trying our best to ruin their lives, (jury is still out on that one) but […]

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