CFC Recognized for Advancing Religious Liberty

Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Founder and Executive Director Anthony Verdugo, center, is joined, from left, by Miami City Commissioner Manolo Reyes, Pastor Paul Kost of CELA, Miami City Commission Chairwoman Christine King, and Miami City Commissioner Sabina Covo.

The City of Miami last week honored Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida and the Centro Evangelistico Latinoamericano (CELA) ministry for their respective work advancing religious liberty and serving the needy. CFC Florida Founder and Executive Director Anthony Verdugo accepted a proclamation from Miami City Commissioner Manolo Reyes. 

CFC Recognition Ceremony for Religious Liberty

The ceremony took place against the backdrop of the city’s new “In God We Trust” display, which was installed last month behind the commission dais just above the city seal. The installation came four months after the commission unanimously approved Commissioner Reyes’ resolution to prominently display our national and state motto honoring God in City Hall. CFC Florida had championed the move and rallied dozens of supporters to the meeting where the resolution was approved.

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