Creationism vs Evolution

The great debate between Creationism vs. Evolution continues in its quest to prove the origin of all things. There are three models of Creationism: Biblical Creationism uses only the Bible without science to back it up; Scientific Biblical Creationism uses biblical revelation of the Creation along with science to support and expound upon it; and Scientific Creationism does not recognize the biblical account of Creation, only scientific data to support the Creation model. Our purpose here will be to supplement with all three types of Creationism against the Theory of Evolution. The Bible claims that “The Creation” was the act of intelligent design by a sovereign God who exercised His will, ability and concept of design to form and manifest the heavens, earth and all life structures.  On the other side of the debate, evolutionists propose a Theory of Evolution based on abiogenesis – the random acts of inorganic matter, which they assert form the fabric of all life. We should remember when considering the pros and cons offered by both sides, that evidence is not proof. Much evidence may be portrayed to show the possibility of a theory, but only the verification of facts can prove it.

In The Beginning
The Theory of Evolution has held prominence in science ever since Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species in 1859. Darwin, a British naturalist, established the Theory of Evolution which is a process of events. The first step, known as abiogenesis, is the culmination of billions of years of accidental atomic collisions resulting in the creation of simple life forms. The second stage, known as microevolution, also occurred over billions of years in which the simple life forms evolved into plants, animals and humans. Macroevolution is the next phase of studying evolution on a grand scale – looking at the historical bigger picture of life involving stability, change, lineages established and extinction. Macroevolution focuses on the change that occurs at or above the level of specific species. Darwin extrapolated that the origin of life forms is from one common ancestor. He also introduced his model of natural selection, which is a process by which organisms are selected by their environment – weeding out the weaker, less fitting organisms. The term “survival of the fittest” originated with the model of natural selection. Darwin’s argument was so compelling that many people had accepted his theory as fact.  

The biblical account of Creation (Genesis 1, 2) describes how God created the heavens, earth, plants, animals and man in six days. Genesis 1 gives us an account of all the physical events that took place and Genesis 2 describes the creation of man. We should regard the original Hebrew text if modern translations seem inconsistent. The beginning of Genesis describes the creation of the universe, which we now know consists of space, time, matter and energy. Next, we read that God spoke light into being and separated the light from the darkness, calling the light “day” and the darkness “night”. God then created the firmament in the midst of the waters thereby dividing them, and He called the firmament “heaven”. The third day of Creation describes the water cycle and the separation and boundaries of land and seas, and the creation of plant life.  On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars to provide light for the earth and also to be used as signs, seasons, days and nights. Next was the creation of sea life, birds and land mammals. Last but not least, God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over all the earth. This is the biblical account of the six days of Creation and on the seventh day God rested from all His work. It is interesting to note that the Big Bang Theory, which is an attempt at modeling early cosmological events, is consistent with the order of events of the biblical account of Creation.

Modern Concepts
The hypothesis of macroevolution proposes that as a species changes over a long period of time, it will morph into a new species. Of course, there are no scientific facts to bridge the gap between micro and macroevolution. The actual metamorphosis cannot actually be proven for lack of an intermediate specimen. This supposed event is what evolutionists call their “phylogenetic tree” or their “tree of life”. This unproven model’s root is based on cellular life forms that eventually become more complex life forms such as plants, animals and humans. The Cladogram is a chart that shows the relationships of these life forms but it cannot bridge the gaps between each sequence. Because the actual sequential progression between species cannot be proven, the Cladogram rejects the theory of natural selection. This chart’s sequence for human development is as follows: apes, ramapithecines, australopithecines, habilenes, homo-erectus, neanderthal and modern man.

Creationist Biochemist, Michael Behe, wrote in his book Darwin’s Black Box: “There is no publication in scientific literature or in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred. There are assertions that such evolution occurred, but absolutely none are supported by pertinent experiments or calculations.”

Science has never been able to disprove the biblical account of Creation or its assertion that every living thing produces after its own kind. What science has proven is that all biological structures have specific designs; leading some to conclude that a designer must exist. Evolution, on the other hand, suggests that random, undirected events created all life forms while having no antecedently specific design in mind. If all life was created by random chance, biology would not be able to reveal the integrity of design within species. Darwin overcame this problem by suggesting that natural selection became the mechanism that created specific design within species. Today, science has proven that natural selection is not feasible. Evolutionists are now looking for new mechanisms to give the hypothesis of natural selection credibility.

The Politically Correct Agenda
Popular propaganda portrays Creationism versus Evolution as Religion versus Science. This view holds that the fundamental differences of both are at odds and in conflict with one another. Science relies on reason, and religion also seeks revelation from God and faith. Because of this rift, many believe that both camps should remain separate from one another. Most American public schools teach the Theory of Evolution but not Creationism. This biased decision does not give our children a fair account of both doctrines. Public schools should at least offer Creationism without the biblical account and let people decide for themselves what to believe.

Are You Ready To Dig Deeper?
South Floridians who want to learn more about the debate have the opportunity to learn locally and hands on– not only is the Creation Studies Institute located in Fort Lauderdale, but visitors also have access to one of the most recognized teachers on Creationism, Tom DeRosa, Founder and Executive Director of the Institute. Trained in seminary and leadership, he walked away from his faith in the early 70’s and found evolution. “I left of my own accord, went to a public university where they were teaching evolution and I became enthralled in it. I wasn’t grounded in my faith and the teachers were telling me that evolution was true, and so I acccepted it,” explains DeRosa.

Over the years, DeRosa became a staunch evolutionist, science teacher and atheist. “I loved science and thought that I could change people’s lives through science,” he adds. DeRosa describes himself as a popular science teacher who was “dynamic in the classroom”. He shares, “I thought that was where I was supposed to be…then God decided to cut out that science program and He eventually guided me to Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church.” After receiving the gospel from Dr. Kennedy, Derosa shares that his atheism disappeared in 24 hours and he became a Christian.

With a continued love for science and teaching people, DeRosa founded the Creation Studies Institute in 1988. When people ask him about the two opposing sides of this popular debate, he explains to them that: “God doesn’t create chaos and doesn’t create chance. When you look at how God does things, you see over and over again that He has a plan and He has order.” He says that it is also important to know about both sides. Those who believe in Creationism believe that God created all life in six days. Evolutionists on the other hand believe that inert things eventually grow into living things. This is why time is so important to evolutionists – without it, evolution could not exist.”

For those who want to learn more and love to read, DeRosa gets into the nitty-gritty on the subject in his books. Evidence for Creation explores one of the greatest myths about the biblical view of creation – believed to be based on religion and not science. Readers learn how the six-day creation is rooted in science and doesn’t contradict the Bible in anyway. DeRosa gives in-depth information regarding how fossil records show no evidence of evolution, how the physical laws of science support Creationism and not Evolution, and much more. Evolution’s Fatal Fruit, another book by DeRosa, takes a closer look at Darwin and the consequences that have resulted from his theory of evolution. The book touches on subjects such as Hitler and favored forced sterilization…that DeRosa describes as all indebted to Darwin. 

The Creation Studies Institute and Discovery Museum
“The museum started after we found a Woolley Mammoth fossil at Peace River. We partnered with Calvary Chapel at that time and began an outreach ministry,” tell DeRosa. The museum, which has now moved to its own building, offers workshops, activities, books and plenty of hands-on material for children and adults – all done through a manner that allows visitors to experience a creative, loving God. “We also have great programs for those who are homeschooled and we have received a lot of recognition and wonderful reviews. We are able to follow the standards of science while keeping the focus on God,” he adds.

Year after year, the museum and institute continues to grow. The Creation Studies Institute has developed its own strategy that disputes the public schools teaching of evolution and the deception and censorship that comes along with it. Through materials available, CSI addresses the deceptive flaws of evolution that appear in almost every public school textbook and on major science websites. And, while DeRosa loves to speak to the atheist or hard-core evolutionist who walks in the door to the museum, he also enjoys speaking to the Christian who expresses that he or she is on the fence regarding the debate, stating, “This issue is also so important for Christians. I want people to know that not only is Jesus Christ our Savior, He is also our creator. You cannot separate them.”

To learn more about the Creation Studies Institute, the Discovery Museum or Tom DeRosa, please visit:

Do you believer in Creation or Evolution? Tell us why your believe what you believe. Comment here or email Marisa at [email protected] .

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