Do Mutations Support Evolution?

When we think of the word “mutation,” it can conjure up images that bring sadness, as mutations often endanger human life and very often cause death.  A mutation is generally defined as a mistake in the genetic code. Birth defects, genetic disease, and even cancer are some of the horrific consequences that these tragic mistakes in genes bring to mankind. Scientists are researching genes to find how some can be predisposed to easily acquire diabetes, hypertension, mental illness, common congenital malformations (cleft lip and palate) and different forms of cancer.

It is ironic that many evolutionists use mutations, errors that have such a bad reputation and cause weakness within the kind which can lead to the extinction of a species, to help make a pathway over millions and millions of years for evolution to take place. Darwin introduced natural selection as the only mechanism for evolution to take place in his famous 1859 publication, “On the Origin of Species.”  Darwin theorized that natural selection was the guiding force for tiny microbes to eventually become Homo sapiens. He speculated that through a long tedious process the fittest offspring would succeed with the hope that it would change into a new kind of species. This process would need long periods of time that would sprout a tree of life.  The problem is that this process was never observed in animals and in plants in the laboratory nor in any natural setting. As one of the most outspoken and popular evolutionists has said, “Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it has not been observed while it was happening.”

Modern evolutionary biology attempts to overcome the failure of natural selection to produce substantial evolutionary change. They look at the molecular level using the discovery of DNA in hopes of finding a suitable evolutionary mechanism. It combines Darwin’s theory of natural selection with the mutation of the DNA molecule. The DNA molecule is very long, with billions of bits of information written on the molecule strands. Genes are defined as segments of this molecule. The genes carry information to assemble new building blocks called proteins that give every living system structure.  If the DNA is altered in any way, it is classified as a mutation. In spite of the observations that mutations cause damage to life, evolutionists have boldly proposed that some of these random mistakes in the genetic code are beneficial and, with aid of natural selection on the molecular level, would produce a genetically altered offspring that will succeed in being most fit to become a new species.

Is there any evidence that we have found beneficial mutations?  Well, it all depends on your perspective. For example, a case can be made that sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease that changes the structure of the hemoglobin which can cause death, is a beneficial mutation. Many who have sickle cell anemia have a good chance of not getting malaria, a parasite that is transferred by mosquitoes which takes thousands of lives a year. In this case, you make an argument for a beneficial mutation at the risk of dying with sickle cell anemia. No matter how we look at it, we should always remember that a mutation represents a loss of information that the original DNA molecule had in the beginning, and this ultimately degrades the code of life. Lynn Margulis (1938-2011), a famous biologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, stated, “Mutations, in summary, tend to induce sickness, death and deficiencies.” She goes on to totally contradict the modern evolutionary biology proposition by stating, “No evidence in the vast literature of heredity changes shows unambiguous evidence that random mutation itself, even with geographical isolation of populations, leads to speciation. Then how do new species come into being?”

Actually the genetic code is getting worse as time moves forward. Dr. John Sanford, a geneticist and semi-retired professor from Cornell University, proposes that DNA degrades from generation to generation. He suggests that mistakes in our genetic code do take place slowly over time, and that these mistakes are cumulative. The DNA molecule makes mistakes in copying information to a very small degree, and even to that small degree we are brought the reality of horrific genetic disorders. Some of these mistakes can go unnoticed and are passed down from one generation to the next with more and more mistakes accumulating in one’s genetic baggage. According to Sanford, this is called “genetic burden,” and has the potential to make a species go extinct after a finite number of generations. In the human race, as one observes the amount of genetic damage through time, it correlates with about six thousand years, just as the Bible predicted. Sanford concludes by stating, “All evidence points to human genetic degeneration.” The revealed data is totally contrary to evolutionary thinking. It actually follows the biblical model of the curse. According Roman 8:21, the whole creation is presently in “bondage to corruption” which explains why the genetic code is corrupted with mistakes.
The Bible is clear in Genesis 1 that it all started with God creating creatures so that they could multiply and reproduce “according to their kind.” That phrase is repeated ten times, making it known that there is no room for evolution. God created an amazing genetic code of life with DNA, so that we can see His grandeur and wonder as we look at all creatures great and small all following a pattern “according to their kind.”

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