Florida governor Charlie Crist vetoes pro-life bill

Governor Charlie Crist vetoed an ultrasound bill in June that would have allowed abortion-minded women in Florida the chance to see an image of their preborn child. HB 1143 would have also banned taxpayer funding of abortions. This is the fourth time an ultrasound bill has been defeated.

More than 63,000 people contacted the governor’s office in the days leading up to the veto, with 36,104 of them asking him to please sign the measure.

John Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, said the move speaks volumes about Crist’s duplicity and lack of trustworthiness. “He has lost all credibility as a public official,” he said in a statement. “With this veto he demonstrates to Floridians that his representations on policy issues mean little to nothing. Even his often-stated commitment as a populist for ‘the people’ is apparently meaningless, as the majority of Floridians are pro-life and support the bill as evidenced by the overwhelming show of support.”

This week, Crist’s website was purged of all mentions of his stand on life issues. The Republican is running for the U.S. Senate as an independent.

“He has now gone full circle from being ‘pro-choice’ in his original U.S. Senate bid,” said Stemberger, “to being ‘pro-life’ in his bid for governor and now he has clearly defined himself as pro-abortion once again.”

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