During your lifetime, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?

Good News Wants to Know…. During your lifetime, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?

Mark Doyle

It is a quote by Abraham Lincoln – “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Mark Doyle, Chief Executive Officer, Holy Cross Health

William “Bill” C. Davell

Many of us were privileged to know Bert de Vries through L2 and Bible study. As Bert battled with Lou Gehrig’s disease, he shared the following advice: “Surrender Early.”  At first I thought this was not good advice for a litigator but then the real meaning hit me: surrender the situation/the problem/the difficult person to God early and trust His will to be done. 

William “Bill” C. Davell, Director, Tripp Scott

Bob Denison

“Nice guys finish first.” My uncle Ken gave me a book called GIVE AND TAKE by Adam Grant. It’s a great read deconstructing the really stupid and awful myth that nice guys finish last.

Bob Denison, President, Denison Yachting

Brian Mudd

It’s a tough one for sure, but it was what my dad had to say about integrity. When I was child, my dad told me there are two types of people in this world. The type who will tell you something and you can take it to the bank, and those who will tell you something and you have to wonder if it’s true. Be the person people can bank on.

Brian Mudd, Program Director \ Host of The Brian Mudd Show, iHeartMedia

Chip LaMarca

Having been raised by a widowed mother, my grandfather was my role model. He instilled in me the value of education and relationships equally, but he said something that I have tried to live by. “It’s not always what you know. It’s who you know, but when you get the opportunity, you better know what you’re talking about!” I have tried to learn something about just about everything that interests me, because you never know when you might have the opportunity.

Chip LaMarca, State Representative, Florida House District 100

Craig D. Huston

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, followed by loving your neighbor as yourself. 

Craig D. Huston, Summit Achievers

Deborah Cusick

When I was in high school, I was inspired by what I read on a plaque in the gift shop at Knott’s Berry Farm in Los Angeles. It said, “Better to trust and be deceived than to doubt the one heart that should be believed.” I’ve seen the positive results of trying to live this out, with only a few disappointments.

Deborah Cusick, FAU Campus Volunteer, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Dolores King-St. George

Not just advice, but the only truth and directives that matter: “Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life. Pray and read the Bible daily and follow God’s commands.” – My mom. And to that, Jesus said the most important commands are: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” –Jesus, Mark 12:30-31.

Dolores King-St. George, President, King Communications and GraceNet Radio

Don Campion

In the 80’s President Reagan said, “Trust but verify.” I have always acted on that advice.

Don Campion, President, Banyan Air Service, and Team Lead, Egbe Medical Mission

Fidel Gomez

My oldest brother, Joaquin, before he went to be with the Lord said to me when I was facing a serious dilemma, “There is an answer to every problem you face. You just have to be patient and wait for it to come.” Gracias, hermano, for that wisdom. James 5:7-8

Fidel Gomez, Assistant Pastor, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

Dr. Fred Scarbrough

I was advised by my boss, a veterinarian, that everyone reads the same books! He talked me into trying to get into veterinary school. I practiced for 45 years and enjoyed a great career!

Dr. Fred Scarbrough, Founder, Scarbrough Animal Hospital and HOPE South Florida

Gregg Wallick

“Everything in life comes with a price. You must pay the price.” From my football coach Bob Johnston when I was 11 years old.

Gregg Wallick, President, Best Roofing

Helen Wayner P.A.

From the time I was a small child, my mom’s advice, and the way she lived her life was to “love one another and forgive quickly.” Then as a young woman, the Lord confirmed her advice. The same truths we’ve taught our daughter. Blessed!!! 

Helen Wayner P.A., Century 21 Hansen Realty

Jesse Carroccio

Duck! If someone offends you, be quick to forgive.  By doing this, you are ducking and allowing God to take care of the other person.

Jesse Carroccio, Station Manager – WRMB Moody Radio

Dr. Jessica Vera

My pastor and my mom traditionally give me the best and, mind you, the same advice during significant life transitions: “Get right with God and surrender all to Him. When you live in alignment with our Creator, all else takes care of itself according to his plan for your life.”

Dr. Jessica Vera, President, Chief Executive Officer, Elite Foundation

Joe Vitkus

My mother gave me a quick word of advice before I moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, from Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1982. She said, “Joey, only believe half of what you read and half of what you hear!” I thought that was strange for a sendoff, but later understood its full meaning. Also, I was taught before you speak, ask yourself these three things: Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? Great advice, and I’m still working on both.

Joe Vitkus, Senior Rabbi, Temple Aron HaKodesh

Justus Martin

There have been many things I’ve taken to heart over the years; the best advice was from Bible: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Ranking close behind it is, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.” — Bob Bland, founder of Teen Missions International.

Justus Martin, Photographer, Justus Martin Photo

Larry Lacy

Early on in my ministry because I wanted to be involved with the church and the school of ministry my wife and I inherited and the community, I was running a race. One day, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “This is not a sprint, but a marathon!” Trying to do everything can become overwhelming!

Larry Lacy, Pastor, The Answer Church

Laura C. Bishop

My mom, since I can remember, would say to me, “Laura, if you’re ever in trouble, just call on the Name of Jesus!” I do all the time, and He never fails.

Laura C. Bishop, Executive Vice President of Development, Palm Beach Atlantic University

Dr. Mary Drabik

The best advice I have ever received was from my father-in-law. When I was first married, he told my husband and I that marriage is NOT 50%/50%.  It is 100%/100%.  You either give it your all or you don’t.

Dr. Mary Drabik, President, South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary

Mike McDermott, PA

Back in the early 1980’s we were living in Clearwater, FL and we were attending the church where I got saved and baptized. We were very involved with the church community, had a lot of good friends, and we had bought a home a few years before. After floundering for about 10 years, I had finally landed a great job. Only now the company offered me a transfer back to the Ft. Lauderdale area where my entire family was located. We were really torn. Do we leave our close church family to return to my natural family who were, at that time, not saved? I went to my Pastor in turmoil. He told me “Once you make the decision you will have peace about it.” We made the decision to accept the transfer and Pastor was correct. We had immediate peace about the move. As a result, several generations of our family are still here in S.Florida, and many have come to know the Lord.

Mike McDermott, PA, Seniors Real Estate Specialist, The Keyes Company

Milan Stefanovic

The best piece of advice I received was from my great dear friend who passed away several years ago, known as Dr. T. He advised me to never make any major or important decisions while in a crisis.

Milan Stefanovic, Chief Operations & Personal Lines Officer, Bass Underwriters

Oksana Horton

When I came to know the Lord in my twenties, an older woman came up to me and loved my enthusiasm for the Word of God. She encouraged me to never lose my passion for it as it would preserve me, strengthen me, and guide me for the rest of my life. I embraced her words and daily feed on the Word, which has been a tremendous blessing. I can’t imagine a day without God’s Word ministering to me.

Oksana Horton, Artistic Director, Torch and Trumpet Theatre Company

Patricia Colangelo, EdS

My mom always said that we were to “leave the world a little better than you found it.” She applied this to my neighbor’s wedding venue that we assisted with, to parks that we visited, and even when we were at work. Curious as a young adult, I looked up where she got this quote, and found that it was made by Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1905), the founder of the Boy Scouts. As a Christian, he was heard to say that “Christianity should be in our everyday life and dealings, and not merely the profession of its theology on Sundays.” To this day, I still find myself cleaning up and trying to improve any place that I go.

Patricia Colangelo, EdS, Lecturer, Professor, Trinity International University – Florida

Ray Monteleone

Put family and friends before work!

Ray Monteleone, President, Paladin Global Partners

Coach Rick Andreassen

The best advice I have ever gotten, was when I was in my late 20s, in my second year of Bible College, I interned with a Children’s Pastor in Miami, who had a very large Children’s Church. He said “Coach you know how you spell Ministry? …W-O-R-K”…(as we continued to set up the chairs and vacuum the carpet and prepare the room for children’s church). That was the best advice I ever could’ve gotten(especially early in my career.) There are many, many, many blessings in ministry….in my 38th year of children’s ministry, I would not trade one day of it… (I keep in the forefront of my mind, ultimately God does the W-O-R-K)….but we have to be “prayed-up, suited up, and ready to show-up” for Him to use us… and I’ve never forgotten those powerful words of wisdom: “Ministry is spelled W-O-R-K.” 

Coach Rick Andreassen, founder and president of SAINTS of Florida P.E. and SAINTS International Sports Ministry

Romney C. Rogers

The best advice I was ever given relates to the timing of life circumstances. The advice is… Always wait on God to move or give you direction with regards to those issues that you know HE cares about. HIS timing is always perfect!

Romney C. Rogers, Managing Partner, Rogers, Morris & Ziegler, LLP

Dr. Scott Manor

My dad’s advice continues to find frequent application in my life – “Don’t make significant decisions when you’re angry.” I’ve never regretted adhering to this, and I have always regretted ignoring it.

Dr. Scott Manor, President, Professor of Historical Theology, Knox Theological Seminary

Steve Daigle

I have received so much great advice in my lifetime, one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received that always stuck with me was from my grandfather; we called him, Pop. He was the first one that took me to church as a child. He used to say, “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” I think Benjamin Franklin was actually the first person to say this, but I remember Pop saying this and it has helped me in those moments where I may not feel like doing something or feel like I can just do it tomorrow, to get it done today. This advice has definitely built a sense of urgency in me and helps in not having to worry about doing that thing later, because it was done today. If anyone is thinking about applying this advice, don’t put it off until tomorrow because, well, it can start today.

Steve Daigle, Campus Pastor, Calvary Chapel Parkland

Steve Solomon

Mom always said, Stevie don’t get so worked up “THIS TOO SHALL PASS!” Over the years these four words have always kept me on track…and all the problems I could have let get to me didn’t…when I remembered Mom’s four words, “THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!”

Steve Solomon, Area Director, CBMC South Florida

Tom Lukasik

When I was about 10 years old, I had told my dad what I considered a “little white lie.” He knew it was a lie and he told me the importance of always being truthful. My response was, “it’s not a big deal, it doesn’t really count.” His response was, “Everything Counts!” Although I didn’t totally understand at that time, later in life those words came back to me when I caught myself telling another “little white lie.” His words rang in my ears and since then, I have been striving to live a life of integrity! A life where Everything Counts!

Tom Lukasik, Vice President – Engagement, 4KIDS

Tewannah Aman

The greatest advice I received was from Pastor Jim Richwine at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. I drifted from the Lord in my late teens and got into a pattern of unhealthy relationships. God started drawing me back to Himself, and I started attending CRPC. Still trying to hang onto the relationship, I prayed for God to make it clear whether I should stay or go. Two days later, I ran into Pastor Jim, and he asked how I was doing.  I told him my struggle. He told me that I must put Jesus first. I could not stay in a relationship that did not submit to the Lord. If I stayed, I’d miss out on God’s best! He said that if I lived for Him, God would bring me that spiritual leader. I took his advice and that’s exactly what God did. Thank you, God, for bringing Pastor Richwine to rescue me and set me on a path of living for You!!!

Tewannah Aman, Executive Director, Broward Right to Life

Read last month’s GNWTK at: https://www.goodnewsfl.org/gnwtk-assume-incorrectly/

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