Guests Learn About Lifework at Summer Social

Christine de Vries, Captain Mike Sibley, Michael Medipor, Stephan Tchividjian, Mario Padrino, Brent McAuliffe, Benjamin Ross, Sami Elbadramany, Buddy Helland, Melodie Stoligrosz


Stephan Tchividjian, president of the National Christian Foundation, introduced and shared the vision of Lifework Leadership over lunch on July 18 along with Christine De Vries, program director, and Melodie Stoligrosz, event coordinator, at Padrino’s, a restaurant owned and operated by a Lifework Leadership alumnus. Why Lifework? In today’s world, integrating faith into our work, home and community is challenging. Lifework Leadership brings in nationally-known speakers and prominent business people to share their personal experiences of facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles to embolden and empower leaders and influencers. Through their stories and through Lifeworks literary discussions and stimulating conversations, practical life applications are learned alongside peers. This is a high-level experience rarely found anywhere else. For more information, visit

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