Conducted by Scott Spages
Personal information:
Birth Place:
Gastonia, North Carolina
Years in Florida:
Moved to Florida in 1969.
Married John Aman
in 1995
Executive Director of
Broward County Right to Life
Family and interests:
Q: Where did you grow up and what was it like?
A: My younger years were spent in North Carolina and Georgia. My father’s profession required us to move around a lot. I was always the new girl on the block. We moved to Hollywood, Florida, where a group of girls invited me to a Bible study through the Florida Bible Church. They had a leadership program for the teens, and we would plan the weekly events: ice cream sundae night, dill pickle night and 30-foot sub night are just some of the activities we organized! That is where I accepted Christ. What I learned at FBC laid the foundation for who I am today!
Q: Growing up [or now] – do you have a favorite sport, or hobby?
A: My mother passed away in 2008 from colon cancer. I would take her for chemo treatments that would take 4-5 hours. I took up crocheting to pass the time away. I love to bead; I make necklaces and bracelets! I started taking Jazz at a Christian dance academy called Expressions of Joy in Deerfield Beach! I am able to do what I love, and do it for the Lord!
Q: Who has most shaped you as a leader – your mother or your father? Why?
A: It was probably my father. He taught me the meaning of the word respect. He required the siblings to be kind and considerate to each other. He really embedded in me a moral compass. Even though I went astray as a teen, his teaching really did stay with me. I have my mother’s personality. She loved to laugh; she loved people. She was an optimist! I look just like her!
Q: Where and how did you meet your spouse?
A: I was in the Evangelism Explosion program at Coral Ridge in 1994. John’s trainer asked me to fill in for her one night. I told John that if he ever needed a recruit, he could count on me. The following August, he asked me to be on his team!! Little did I know, I would sign up for Life!!! John is my greatest gift from God!!
Q: Does your family have a Thanksgiving, or Christmas [or other holiday] tradition, that you’d like to tell us about?
A: Yes! From the first day of December until the 25th, John and I will write what we love and appreciate about each other on strips of paper and put them in separate stockings, so we can read them on Christmas day.
First job?
Burger King!
Favorite movie?
The 10 Commandments
Last book read?
John and I attended a “Love and Respect” conference at Calvary Chapel. We bought the book and workbook, and we are going through it. We learned so much at that workshop! We recommend the program to every married couple. There is a wonderful website called I’m studying the early church fathers online.
Musical preference?
Contemporary Christian, Classical and the Oldies
Favorite team?
New York Yankees and the Miami Dolphins
Lakes or oceans; mountains or beaches?
I don’t like the cold, so I’ve got to go with the beaches!
Army, navy, air force, marines or coast guard?
I love and respect our servicemen! They are sacrificing their lives so we can be free! God bless our servicemen!
Public leadership:
Q: What was your motivation to become the Executive Director of Broward County Right to Life?
A: Well, I found out I was pregnant when I was 17. I was excited about having a child. I shared my “good News” with a few people. They told me I was too young, too immature and financially unprepared to raise a child. By the time they were done with me, fear set in. I didn’t think I could do it. So, I had the abortion. I didn’t feel guilt right away, which is common. I was in denial for a number of years. Then God started drawing me back to himself. I learned what happens during an abortion procedure, and I was devastated. I became very depressed! God, in His mercy and grace, brought me people who counseled me and helped me understand that Christ had forgiven me! I went through a post-abortion Bible study that helped me make peace with the abortion.
Several years later, I met John, who was president of Broward Right to Life (he became president in 1992). We married, and it wasn’t long before we found out we were pregnant. At 21 ½ weeks, I went into premature labor, and we lost the baby. At that time, BRTL was organizing a press conference for the Woman’s Right to Know bill, requiring doctors to give women all the information in regards to abortion. A BRTL spokeswoman, who knew my testimony, called me on the day of the WRTK press conference to tell me that the Lord had awakened her and impressed on her heart to call me and tell me that I needed to be there to share my testimony. She had planned on being there to share her post-abortion testimony, but numerous obstacles had arisen, which made her unable to attend. I didn’t want to go! But, I couldn’t deny how God had allowed everything to unfold to bring me to that place in time. He had called me for such a time as this. I became executive director in 1996.
Q: What is the most significant impact that abortion has had on women’s health?
A: That is a broad question. There are many statistics on the physical and emotional impact that abortion has on a woman ( I think it is the pain and regret of the loss. It is mourning what will never be. Even though we know we will see our children again, we don’t have them here with us. It is a tough thing to process. The thing I most frequently hear from the post-abortive woman is they struggle forgiving themselves. God heals you, and he works all things together for good! For those of us who have lost children to abortion, we must seek Him with our whole heart. We must meditate on scripture. He has healed my heart, and He will heal yours too!!
Public perspective:
Q: Is there a person in American history that you truly admire, or are fascinated by and why?
A: Abraham Lincoln, who kept the union together and helped abolish slavery. And Ronald Reagan, who brought back a wave of conservatism to America.
Q: What are the two things a reader could do to help foster a culture of life [a pro-life culture] in our society?
A: The first thing people can do is pray for the boldness to speak for those unable to speak for themselves. We have a program called Pro-Life 101, Equipping The Body to Speak for Those Unable to Speak for Themselves. We give individuals our pro-life presentation on PowerPoint, so they can learn how to educate and inform people on the sanctity of life and the impact that abortion has on our culture.
Secondly, for individuals to give financially to pro-life organizations so they can continue the vital work of saving lives and protecting women and men from the horror of abortion.