Love Life Prayer Event Draws 500 Walkers

love lifeMore than 500 prayer walkers representing more than two dozen local area churches, worshipped God and prayed for an end to abortion and the orphan crisis in South Florida to and from the Aastra Women’s Center in Plantation on November 13th.

The prayer walk event was a celebration culminating 40 weeks of prayer walks for Love Life South Florida, which launched its regional ministry in the tri-county area this year, in a campaign which mirrored the 40 weeks of a general, pregnancy gestation period.

The event highlighted the unique nature of Love Life’s ministry, which is apolitical as a pro-life organization, having planted 14 gospel-centered chapters around the United States since 2016, beginning in Charlotte, N.C., founded by Justin Reeder, an entrepreneur and native of South Florida.

What makes Love Life unique in the prolife world is its approach to abortion, focusing on abortion centers as mission fields and opportunities to make disciples. Pastor Bernie Diaz, from Christ Community Church and one of the missionaries of the regional team, said of Love Life, “We exist to help mobilize and engage local churches to do the work of this ministry which is motivated by the Great Commandment to love people and directed by the Great Commission in bringing the hope of the gospel and the help of the local church to those that are considering abortion.”

Diaz added, “Our goal is to see pregnant women pressured to take the life of their unborn child, run to the local church rather than the local abortion center.” Love Life provides trained area church members to mentor women who choose life for their preborn children and offers a restored life ministry to post-abortive men and women. For more information on Love Life, go to

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