America is trending pro-life. A Knights of Columbus-Marist survey finds 58 percent of those in the “Millennial” group (18-29 years old) agreed with the statement that abortion is “morally wrong.” Fifty-one percent of Baby Boomers (those 45-64) and 60 percent of Gen X’ers (30-44) feel the same.
“Americans of all ages – and younger people in even greater numbers than their parents – see abortion as something morally wrong,” said Carl Anderson, a spokesman for the Knights. “America has turned a corner and is embracing life – and, in doing so, is embracing a future they – and all of us – can be proud of.”
The survey is the latest in a series of polls conducted by the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization that encourages civic involvement, volunteering and aid for those in need. Numbers from previous polls in October 2008 and July 2009 underscore the pro-life trend.
“Advances in technology show clearly – and ever more clearly – that an unborn child is completely a human being,” said Anderson. “That, coupled with the large number of Americans who know one of the many people who has been negatively affected by abortion, are certainly two of the reasons that Americans are increasingly uncomfortable with Roe v. Wade’s legacy of abortion, and with abortion generally. The majority of Americans now understand that abortion has consequences, and that those consequences are not good.”
Abortion has taken center stage in the debate over health care reform. It may also play an important role in the midterm elections. Matthew Faraci, vice president of communications and marketing for Americans United for Life, said pro-lifers are riding the momentum. “This strong, powerful public support for the life issue is playing out right now in Washington in front of our eyes,” he said. “Leaders who are hoping to get re-elected are on the wrong side of this issue at their peril.”