Nourish Your Nazareth

Bill Brutus Church By The Glades Worship Leader

My love for music started at a young age. I loved the melodies, harmonies and tones. Music was just something that caught my attention no matter where I was or what situation I was in. There would even be times where in the middle of a dream, I’d conjure up a melody. Some of those melodies I still remember today.

Because of this love for music, I got to end up in interesting situations, but never in a million years did I ever imagine myself being where I am today. Basically, I never thought I’d be using music for the glory of God. I get to serve at a pretty cool church too!


Experiencing growth

Fast forward to today. We all know that this year hasn’t been easy. And that’s for lack of better words considering that we’ve experienced a global pandemic, social justice issues and that we’re in the middle of a tense election. It’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out. For me 2020 has been so much more. It’s been an opportunity for growth. Growth in my leadership at church, my songwriting and who I am as a person. While these things are great, I found that I’ve been obsessing over titles and positions in the local church. Just asking myself the question, “What more is there for me to do? How can I exert myself in ministry?” I was basically asking myself, “what is my more when I should have been asking God what is His more?”

A lot of worship leaders, including myself, can sometimes struggle with this. We want to hold a title and be in a position where we are recognized and valued highly by others on our teams. We aim for positions with our more in mind. We aim for positions thinking, “If I can be at that level, maybe they’ll consider me to be a more important part of the team. Maybe they’ll depend on me a little bit more. Maybe they’ll think of me first for different opportunities.” Before we know it, we’re on a quest for self-gratification and becoming less Kingdom minded. This can leave room for pride to creep in.


Seeking approval

Each month we’ll be sharing a song created by local worship leaders. Four local worship leaders collaborated to write our November Song of the Month, “Lord You Reign” which is featured on the album, Village Hymns Vol. 1, which is available on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Music. You can also watch the music video at

Jeremiah 9:23 says, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches.’”

And James 4:10, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve in our crafts, but not at the cost of us becoming prideful. And if all we’re living for or should I say leading for is self-improvement, with man’s approval in mind, then we’re missing the point.

Galatians 1:10 says, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

This verse gets me every time. It reminds me that what I do in the local church isn’t for the oohs and aahs of my peers. It’s not for me. It’s ultimately for God’s glory and for someone out there to get to know Him! What we are called to do is much greater than the title or position we hold.


Finding your Nazareth

Now there are some of us who just feel overlooked in our ministry areas. I’ve felt that way at times, but I will never forget when I heard a pastor say, “Nourish your Nazareth!” This means wherever you are, whatever level you’re on, you are to nourish that space and be the best you can be in that season. Be the best you can be for every season God has given you. You never know who’s watching you, and you never know who’s taking notes behind your back adding to their own arsenal for leadership. Your calling is greater than your title! For every season there is an assignment. Before King David became King David, he had to be David the son of Jesse. In the next season he was the Shepherd boy and so on. David aimed to be the best version of himself for God’s glory in each level. He nourished his Nazareth.

So as we press on in 2020, no matter how crazy the world may be at the moment, let’s nourish our Nazareth and remember that the calling is much greater than the title.

If you’re a worship leader interested in getting involved with Village Hymns, please email [email protected] or visit our website at

Read last month’s Village Hymns article at:

Bill Brutus is the Worship Leader at Church By The Glades.

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