Reawakening America through past principles

Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America,the New York Times bestselling book by Chuck Norris, dives into the teachings of the founding fathers of the United States and how their beliefs and principles can help rectify many of the problems going on in society today.

The actor, martial arts expert, and conservative activist details an eight-point plan that he believes can help get America back on track, based on the teachings of those who founded our country. The beginning of the book quickly examines different factors that are affecting America today, and the following eight chapters discuss in detail each specific problem, along with practical solutions that can be implemented immediately.

Norris believes that “change is possible,” stating, “We seem to have lost a sense of ourselves and our place in the world. As a people, we seem more divided than ever before. The first step is to pick our battles.  I’ve outlined the major problems I think our country faces . . . and what seem to me to be practical, real-world solutions we can either do ourselves or pressure our politicians into doing (making them do the jobs we elected them to do).”

The eight areas that Norris believes need immediate attention in our country include: national legacy, spending control, border control, moral compass, enough value for human life, future for the children, traditional family values, and a “might to fight.”

The book concludes with a call to those in our country to come together in an effort to help change the problems that are running rampant in our society.

Norris, an Air Force veteran who has starred in numerous films and hit TV series, and his wife, Gena, have dedicated themselves to ensuring that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be enjoyed by all future generations in America.

More information about the book, and Chuck Norris, can be found at:

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