“Run the Race” Tells The Story of A Loving God Overcoming An Unloving World

From Executive Producers Tim Tebow (yes, that Tim Tebow) and Robby Tebow comes the new faith-based film “Run the Race.” Premiering this February, “Run the Race” is a movie that aims to show, not just tell, the real-world, lived-out truthfulness of Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Nothing cliché here; no waxing poetic or sputtering pithy bumper sticker proverbs. When dealing with the topic of suffering, “Run the Race” is more content to simply sit in the pain, listen empathetically, and pray.

Because sometimes, maybe even oftentimes, things are not good. But God is good. And He makes things good. “Run the Race” will not pretend that everything is alright when it is not. Just as the title implies, running the race is both literal and metaphorical. So, the story is not just about when things are great in life, but it is about overcoming the hurdles in life and crossing the finish line.

On the surface, the film is a simple story of two brothers and the obstacles they must overcome. The Truett brothers seem to have lost everything. Yet, in the midst of it all, they desperately fight for a better future. Tragedy after tragedy strikes, and it is the responses of these two brothers that are the highlight and the emotional theme of the film.

Beneath the surface, “Run the Race” is a story of how love is the most powerful force in the world. It is not logic that changes the world and individual hearts, but love. Lastly, it is a story about what happens when a person finally stops running away from everything and starts running toward someone: Jesus.

The movie’s message is clear: in the face of uncertainty and pain, no matter what, even when it does not make sense and you cannot feel it, “God does love you. He loves you like crazy.”

Executive Producer Tim Tebow puts it this way when reflecting on the film, “We don’t understand how to love until we understand how much we’re loved.” Hardships have this strange, transcendent capacity to transform us depending on whether we choose to push away or draw closer to those that love us. May we choose to run to the One who has been chasing us all along.

“Run the Race” is rated PG, arrives in theaters February 22 and is produced by Tim Tebow and Robby Tebow. For more information, including the trailer and interviews with the Tebow brothers visit: runtheracemovie.com

“…And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us…” (Hebrews 12:1b).


Finley has a doctorate in Organizational Leadership. He can be reached at: [email protected]

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